Topical Index ~ Intercession

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A Call to Prophetic Intercession The Lord calls all of us to be people of prayer.  As a matter of fact, every believer is called to pray without ceasing.

Prayer that God Delights In ~ Prophetic Intercession: God has decreed that much of what will take place on earth will take place through the intercession of the saints.

Catch and Release ~ Fishers of Men.

Clean Hands ~ Holy Hands: The Lord chooses you to be His confidant/mediator before Him in intercession, the ‘chosen one’ stands before the Lord, alone.  That means, a need to wash your hands daily to do His work.

Worship and Intercession: Worshiping and praising God go hand-in-hand with intercession.

Marching Orders: When the Lord assigns a job of intercession, He provides marching orders for the assignment.

Keys to the Kingdom ~ A Proclamation: What we bind on earth will be bound in heaven and what we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven, according to the scripture.  That is a call to proclamation intercession aka prophetic proclamations.

A Heavenly Laboratory of Intercession: Instead of studying what intercession is, the Lord has brought us into the workshop of life to intercede in a real way for a person who has influence over the world at this time.

Gifts of the Holy Spirit Used in Prophetic Intercession.

An Example of Intercession using the Gifts of Wisdom, Knowledge, Prophecy & Discerning of Spirits.

Prophetic Acts and Intercession: Foretelling acts in intercession are a powerful tool used to force the hand of the ‘enemy’.  The prophet/intercessor performs for God.

Your Mission if You Choose to Accept It: Your Mission if You Choose to Accept It ~ The Dream, is a ‘mystery’ call; a “Job Assignment Time”. I have been given homework after the dream... Saudia Arabia, Lord?; Mission Impossible Target News 2024.

Incredible…the Sahara turns Green!

House of Prayer for All Nations Dream, Explained & Confirmed: A few weeks after this dream, I awoke to: “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” After more prayer, God spoke: “The world is My oyster, the pearl of great price.” Pearl of Great Price Explained.

Pakistan, Please! This is an update to House of Prayer for All Nations Dream. 

Charlemagne ~ An Appeal to Heaven: Recently, I gave up and gave my cousin over to God. Then, he came to dinner and before leaving, he shared a dream from that morning with me.

The Name of the Lord is a Strong Tower: This dream was received at the beginning of the year as I was receiving direction on intercession for the nations