Topical Index ~ Almighty's Angel Armies

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The Lord of Heavenly Armies ~ Introduction: With the increase in demonic activity, there will also be seen an increase in angelic activity. Knowing this, I am led to take some time to do a study on angels.  

My Angelic Host ~ A Prophetic Word

A Company of Angels: I hadn’t given a lot of thought to angels until recently, because I have had two dreams which brought them to the forefront. This is the first dream.

Angelica ~ The Postal Worker: As I said, at the beginning of this series, there were two dreams that the Lord used to draw my attention to the subject of angels.  This is the second dream.

The Lord of Hosts and a Cloud of Witnesses: The Lord of Hosts is also the Lord of the ‘great cloud of witnesses.’  Who is in the cloud of witnesses? 

His Angelic Host ~ The Government of Angels: When we look at the nature of angels, we learn a lot.  They even have behaviors that we would do well to mimic.

Government of Angels ~ Archangels: Archangels are called the great heralds of the Good News because they are sent by God to deliver and carry out God’s messages and important plans for mankind. 

Archangel Michael: The name Michael means Who is like God?”  He is identified with the nation of Israel as their warrior-protector and their God-sent advocate in the End Times.

Archangel Gabriel: After Michael, Gabriel is the next angel mentioned in scripture.  His name means "God is my strength".

Archangel RaphaelThis Archangel is the first that is not in our Christian Bibles, Archangel Raphael.  It is a Hebrew name meaning God heals.

Archangel Uriel: The name Uriel generally means “God is my Flame”.  It reminds me of the Psalm: He makes His ministers a flame of fire.  

Archangel Phanuel: The final Archangel in this series that we will investigate, Phanuel.  The name Phanuel means “Face of God” or “He Turns to God”.

Government of Angels ~ Principalities, Dominions, Powers, Rulers...: We continue on up the angelic ladder, we come to Principalities, Dominions, Powers, Rulers and Authorities.  All of which are more of a mystery then they are understood.

Government of Angels ~ Thrones: As we ascend further up the angelic ladder that God has created, we encounter spiritual beings that minister to God instead of man. 

Government of Angels ~ Cherubim: Their name means "winged angel” and one who blesses.  In Ezekiel’s vision of God, their appearance is fully described and quite strange I might add! 

Government of Angels ~ Seraphim: We are almost at the top of the angelic ladder where we encounter spiritual beings that service the Holy, Uncreated One.

The Angel of the Lord: We have made it to the top of God’s Angelic Host, and who do we find, but the Angel of the Lord.  Also known as the Angel of His Presence, the Angel of God.  Who is the Angel of the Lord?

The Angel of the Lord ~ The Angel of His Presence, Part 2: If we read the full account of each appearance of the Angel of the Lord in the Old Testament, we find that the appearance to a human elicits worship.

Wildfire and The Angel of the Lord: A true account of angelic deliverance.

Fear the Messenger? We are to fear God, but are we to fear the messengers of God? On the flip side, can angels give believers physical strength and blessings?

Purposes of Angels: Let’s look at the purposes they serve in God’s kingdom to aid us human beings. 

Judgment and Warning: The last and most serious purpose angels serve in God’s kingdom that I will explore is judgment and warning.

In Conclusion of Angels: As we conclude this series on angels, I wanted to take some time to review what we have learned.

Cindy’s Angel ~ Night Watch

Crescent Rolls, please! God taught me a lesson by having one of His angels visit me in a dream to kick my crescent rolls to the curb.

Mindy's Angel Dream

The Battle over Cambria by My Sister Sherry