Topical Index ~ Signs of Our Time

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Fulfilled Prophecies Since 2020.

2024 Prophecy Look Back and 2025 Look Forward:  "Pam thank you for the recapping of 2024. There was so much that happened, and it was so nice to have you recap everything." Mindy Anne.

Follow the Signs: If they only knew what these 2 horses mean together from the books of Zechariah & Revelations. Prophecy coming to pass before our eyes in 2024!

2023 Prophecy Look Back and 2024 Look Forward

An Arrow and Lightning, A Prophetic Warning 2025.

Blink of An Eye: A short dream on the rapture from my sister, Wendy from 2023. 

Master’s Class: This is the second dream from the beginning of 2023; we have attended the Master’s Class and are prepared for a fight in the Army of the Lord.

Ships of Tarshish: At the beginning of 2023 during the time when the Lord sent us rain, I dreamed.  I will break the dreams into two posts.  This is the first dream.

The Journey Awaits: I will seek to explain the two dreams, Ships of Tarshish and Master’s Class.  Both dreams hint at what is on the horizon.  The journey awaits those who are predestined for salvation and also, for us who are called to His service. 

Total Eclipse of Our Hearts: I felt April 2024 was a significant month.  I wanted to share what has taken place over the last few days as I believe the Lord is speaking and I will let you draw your own conclusions.

Tsunami! This dream is a warning to the church that those who sell out to the world will be left behind.