Total Eclipse of Our Hearts
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When the Lord is getting ready to do something, He will tell His prophets, His prophetic intercessors, and all those that are looking to Him for His purposes on this earth. Gods’ purposes, only. There will be a consensus of and from the Holy Spirit of what is going to transpire. For surely the Lord God does nothing without revealing it to His servants the prophets. That is what is taking place for 2024 and 2025.
In December and after Red Sky at Morning, Sailors Take Warning ~ A Prophetic Warning, I felt April 2024 was a significant month. I wanted to share what has taken place over the last few days as I believe the Lord is speaking and I will let you draw your own conclusions.
America is excited about the solar eclipse. So am I because God is afoot! It started yesterday when I listened to a Pastor friend’s sermon online, he quoted Jeremiah 4:8 and told us why he was wearing black. The Lord told him to be in mourning for this country. It reminded me of 2010 when I was told and given the same exact verse for my church pastor. Also, I was told to wear black and lament over his disobedience.
For this, clothe yourself with sackcloth,
Lament and wail.
For the fierce anger of the Lord
Has not turned back from us.
In my prayer time today, the Lord gave a scripture address: Isaiah 50:3 I clothe the sky with darkness and make sackcloth it’s covering (says the Lord). It sounds like this total eclipse is a sign to the U.S. that we are to be in mourning for what is coming upon this land.
The next verse I received was Jeremiah 4:18 as I was hearing the song Total Eclipse of the Heart Bonnie Tyler - Total Eclipse of the Heart (Official Lyric Video) (,
Your ways and your doings
Have procured these things for you.
This is your wickedness,
Because it is bitter,
Because it reaches to your heart.
I believe the Lord has put on sackcloth and is weeping over our country, as can be seen with the total eclipse today.
But we, as a country, have also had a total eclipse of our hearts against God, blackening Him out of everything in our country, except from our (true believers’) hearts. He does see His true believers, and if you have entered into the Covenant of Peace that He taught us about last year, you are safe.
Take seriously the days that are upon us and look up for our redemption draws so close. It is time to seek the Lord while He may be found!
Also, check out Signs in the earth and the heavens in America and Iran… What is God saying to us? April 2024.

Why do the nations rage,
And the people plot a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves,
And the rulers take counsel together,
Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying,
“Let us break Their bonds in pieces
And cast away Their cords from us.”
He who sits in the heavens shall laugh.
The Lord shall hold them in derision.
Then He shall speak to them in His wrath,
And distress them in His deep displeasure. Psalm 2
The depth of the hypocenter is about 10.0km, and the magnitude of the earthquake is estimated to be about 4.6.
It’s one of the most powerful earthquakes to strike the region in modern times.