The Journey Awaits

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In this post, I will seek to explain the two dreams, Ships of Tarshish and Master’s Class.  Both dreams hint at what is on the horizon.

If you recall in the ‘Ships of Tarshish’ dream, I was watching waves growing and expanding (northward and southward) on a tarmac.  I also witnessed two silver boats; one on the north waters and one on the south waters.  Both facing each other sailing and filled with people on the waters of the blacktop.  Jesus was the One commanding the boats, standing at the helm. 

I sensed what I was symbolically seeing were coastlands.  Upon praying, I heard ‘Ships of Tarshish’ and received an address of Isaiah 60:9 Surely the coastlands shall wait for ME and the ships of Tarshish will come first, to bring your sons from a far, their silver and their gold with them to the name of the LORD your God, and to the Holy One of Israel, because He has glorified you.

I know this is a prophetic dream as I was a ‘watcher’ in the dream, not a participant.  I said in the post: “Isn’t it true that millions of people have come to our shores and crossed our ‘open’ borders in recent years?  Regardless of the societal repercussions, He opened my eyes to see this phenomenon from a heavenly perspective.  I believe God is calling them to our country.  Sure, they come for better economic lives and other reasons too, but what if it’s more?”

The boats were silver (the color of redemption) and filled with souls.  The people in the boats are the soon to be redeemed (cargo) coming from different shores (countries).  Also note, the boats were coming from the north and south just like our international borders with Canada and Mexico which have seen huge increases in numbers.

Simply stated, boatloads of sinners are about to be saved and brought into the Body of Christ!  They will be brought in through the choppy waters of our times, the end of the age. 

In the second dream, ‘Master’s Class’, I found myself showered, given new white undergarments in order to join others who had been through the same process.  They were similar to an army or a gathering of strong men and women.  There was Someone near me who was ‘In Charge’.  We were getting ready for a mission.

Upon waking, I heard ‘Master’s Class’; which is a designation given to students of a particular discipline by an expert of that discipline where skills are being developed.  The Lord is training us for a joint mission which is preparing the Way of the Lord! 

Then, a scripture address Isaiah 41:1 Keep silence before Me, O coastlands, and let the people renew their strength!  Let them come near, then let them speak; let us come near together for judgment.

And a song: O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus (Samuel T. Francis)

O the deep, deep love of Jesus, vast, unmeasured, boundless, free!
Rolling as a mighty ocean in its fullness over me!
Underneath me, all around me, is the current of Thy love
Leading onward, leading homeward to Thy glorious rest above!
O the deep, deep love of Jesus, spread His praise from shore to shore!
How He loveth, ever loveth, changeth never, nevermore!
How He watches o’er His loved ones, died to call them all His own;
How for them He intercedeth, watcheth o’er them from the throne!


On the same day of the dream my devotional read: “In order to enter the priesthood, the priests of God in the OT had to take off their old garments and take a holy bath. After being cleansed in the ritual bath, they were then given the garments of the priest to minister unto the Lord. You are called by God for a great purpose. So, you too must take off the old garments; put away your old ways, old ideas and old habits and be willing to put on the new in God, for we were created in His image.

You can't do what God wants you to do unless you are willing to go through the process of renewing yourself in the things of God. Your ministry is waiting, your priesthood is waiting; it's calling you. In order to serve as a priest in the service of God, your garments are important. Take off the old, put on the new. Dare to let the past go and get on with fulfilling your calling.”

To pull both dreams together, I believe the Lord is training and preparing a group of people through His Master’s Class.  Those who graduate and put on new garments will be the army that will help usher in the souls being sent here in the ‘Ships of Tarshish’.  And as I said before: “The boatloads (symbolically speaking) of sinners who are about to be saved and brought into the Body of Christ!  They will be brought in through the choppy waters of our times, the end of the age.” 

The journey awaits those who are predestined for salvation and also, for us who are called to His service.  This is the time of the Latter Rain when all who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved! 

And it shall come to pass that whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved. Joel 2:32.