Red Sky Revisited

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I woke a few days after the fire started to a group message from my sister Wendy. She said: “I went back and re-read Pam’s dream Red Sky at Morning, Sailors Take Warning ~ A Prophetic Warning she posted on 12/12/23. Please go back and read it as it is absolutely astonishing what that dream foretold and what is happening in LA. The Pacific Coast (biggest fire is Pacific Palisades, the red sky, the storm, etc.). What God was showing her was in fact a storm, a fire storm. I am speechless about what it says about fire and wind. It's remarkable. I was so amazed reading this again and now seeing what has happened.”

So, I am answering her request to repost the dream and rethink the symbols. At the time of the interpretation, I believed war was coming to our shores and could still happen in the future. But if we look at the symbols of Pacific Ocean, the cyclone which is also a tornado, the red sky, people running for their lives; sounds like the traumatic event of fire in Pacific Palisades. 

Plus, journalists are calling it a war zone; “Pacific Palisades devastation from California fires looks like a war zone; Neighbor says this home was ‘touched by God’ in community that now looks ‘like a war zone’; Palisades: Haunting aerial image shows neighborhood reduced to ash - 'Like a war zone'.”

As with any prophetic dream, time will test it out and what we think is happening in the moment can play out differently or can have multiple meanings over time as it unfolds.

12/12/23 Red Sky at Morning, Sailors Take Warning ~ A Prophetic Warning

I have said “We have seen the rains; we are now seeing the winds…what is next, Lord?”  I believe what is next is fire.  Perhaps, in a variety of ways…I do not know specifics.  But the warning I am presenting to you arrived in the form of a dream. Here we go.


I was back at my former employer.  I was standing in the main building on an upper floor, looking out the ceiling to floor windows at the Pacific Ocean.  I was watching for what was coming.

People (other employees I assumed) were in the building with me and as I looked out to the west.  I saw dark storm clouds coming.  I could also see a map of the Pacific coastline. The gray clouds (indicating a coming storm) turned to red, mixing, swirling and churning along the coast.  I knew in my dream it to be a Red Cyclone.

People started panicking and making phone calls, saying: “If I don’t make it through this…”  They were running for the inner rooms of the building to find shelter, hiding from what was coming. I was calling them to salvation in the name of the Lord over and over again.  I proclaimed the message as they hid.  I woke up.

I knew it was a God dream when I awoke so, I prayed.  I heard: “Red sky at morning, Sailors take warning”.  And, I heard “The hour is now upon us -the hour has come.  Warn My people.”

Then, scripture addresses:

On that day no one who is on the housetop, with possessions inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything. Luke 17:31.

The Sovereign Lord declares—He who gathers the exiles of Israel: “I will gather still others to them   besides those already gathered.”  Isaiah 56:8 (a call to evangelism).

The Place: We have learned that places from our past mean something. The plant is directly on the Pacific coast.  And, I was on an upper floor, watching…peering out the windows into the future.

The crowd of employees represent the lost in our world without Christ. Their fear was palpable and me hearing their conversations before the cyclone hit is prophetic.  Usually, a phone call in a dream symbolizes communication. This speaks to me that the people knew their time was short, their lives threatened, and they need a Savior. They could be ‘calling’ out to God, positioned for the invitation to His Salvation.

The Prophecy: The dark sky says a great storm coming as I gazed out to the ocean.  Then, the sky turned red, swirling and churning, whoa! I have said ‘West’ is where revival is to come out of, but it cannot come without a great storm. 


To look further into the event the Lord is allowing; a cyclone is any large system of winds that circulates about a center of low pressure…A cyclone would create chaos; fear! Here is what I believe the Lord is warning.  There is a coming war-like event when people who are not saved nor are schooled in end-time events will fear for their lives.  I think it could come to our shores, or in the Pacific. 

I am not saying I know what is coming except what I have been shown allegorically.  But such is the gift of prophecy that when a symbolically foretold event comes to pass, it is hard to distinguish when it happens.  However, I sense this won’t be too hard to see as it unfolds because even the unsaved will cry out.

The saying I heard upon praying is at the heart of the interpretation and its origin is amazing. “The common phrase ‘red sky at morning’…the concept is over two thousand years old and is cited in the New Testament as established wisdom that prevailed among the Jews of the 1st century AD by Jesus in Matthew 16:2-3.”

And the Pharisees and Sadducees came, and to test him they asked him to show them a sign from heaven. He answered them, "When it is evening, you say, ‘It will be fair weather; for the sky is red.’ And in the morning, 'It will be stormy today, for the sky is red and threatening.' You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign shall be given to it except the sign of Jonah.

The sign of the prophet Jonah refers to Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection.  Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so too, the Son of Man was three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

This is a prophetic warning.  Our duty is evident.  We are to simply ask the Lord how to be prepared and to stay close to Him; shodding our feet with the Gospel of Peace to bring hope to the fearful. There is a coming war-like event, I think it could come to our shores, or in the Pacific.      

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.  When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you.  Isaiah 43:2.

The Lord will roar from Zion and thunder from Jerusalem; the earth and the heavens will tremble. But the Lord will be a refuge for his people, a stronghold for the people of Israel.  Joel 3:16.

The other thing I was reminded of was that on December 27th, I posted the dream of the Original Firestarter! A fire goes before Him and burns up His enemies round about. Psalm 97:3. A fire goes before Him and His revival!


Fire tornado flares up in Palisades Fire - ABC7 Los Angeles

Perhaps my sister is right: “What God was showing you was in fact a storm, a fire storm. I am speechless about what it says about the Pacific Ocean, war zone, fire and wind. It's remarkable. The cyclone which is a tornado…a fire storm.” Wendy. 


1/17/25 City of Angels Wildfire ~ Signs Signs Everywhere a Sign

I am interrupting my regularly scheduled posting regarding spiritual warfare. I had a feeling the New Year would bring about events very quickly, and I sense God is changing up the website to report His views on the happenings. Stay with me as I move and change with the Spirit.

I understand the fear and anxiety of living through a wildfire. My high school and college years were spent in Los Angeles, the San Gabriel foothills. I experienced living through a wildfire in 1979. Not to mention, the two I lived through in San Diego in the 2000s. So, when the L.A. fire started on 1/7/25, I had anxiety for all of those involved and retreated to my prayer closet.


I didn’t ask any questions of the Lord on the first day, but on the second day I started to hear God’s voice. First, I heard the City of Angels. “Los Angeles means "The Angels" in Spanish." Then, I remembered I had completed a series on Angels six months earlier.


Interesting coincidence, I surmised. But on January 8th, I heard a commercial on television. ‘Back to the Future: The Musical' is now playing at the Hollywood Pantages Theatre! Of course you remember Elon, a DeLorean and a Move of God? Elon and I were preparing to go somewhere, when a DeLorean car from the Back to the Future movie appeared. I believe once he is saved, God will start driving the car and releasing His Spirit to save the millions that are southbound to Hell!


More investigation, I found the Back to Future Musical is also playing in San Diego on January 14-18. In addition, the license plate on the Delorean reads “OUT A TIME” and the clock on the clock tower reads 10:05. Five minutes until 10:10! Perhaps, the 10:10 Mystery Prophecy has not fully played out.


I asked the question is this fire from you, God? And is it a coincidence that I had completed a series on Almighty's Angel Armies six months earlier and L.A. is the City of Angels? I wondered.


The same morning, I received a text from my niece regarding a horse that had been saved through the fire of Altadena. “Watch the story Pam, it's about a group of horses evacuated in Altadena and one got lost and then it was found and returned to the owner. It was a white horse! Read ‘Claire ~ The White Mare Saved through Fire’ under Spirit Sightings & The Miraculous.


White horse, ‘Back to the Future’, City of Angels…this is no coincidence. God is speaking in this fire. Remember, He told us two years ago that the revival will start in the west and head east, perhaps this might be the start, The Winds of Heaven are Starting to Blow.  

In December 2023, I asked “We have seen the rains; we are now seeing the winds…what is next, Lord? I believe what is next is fire.  Perhaps, in a variety of ways…I do not know specifics.”

The other thing I was reminded of was that on December 27th, I posted the dream of the Original Firestarter…Hmmm! 🔥 fire goes before Him, and burns up His enemies round about. Psalm 97:3. A fire goes before Him and His revival!


Further meditation, I received a scripture address of Isaiah 61:4. And they shall rebuild the old ruins, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations.

Wow! Then, the Spirit reminded me of an old dream. I was maneuvering a huge earth mover but not remembering when it was, another address came of Isaiah 58:12. So like the Lord, it had ‘Earthmover’ dream from 2014 written next to the verse. In addition, it references Isaiah 61:4! Next week, read the Earthmover dream under Watchman Dreams.

Those from among you shall build the old waste places; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; and you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, the Restorer of Streets to Dwell In. Isaiah 58:12.

 God is surely speaking. Intrigued, more asking prayer and I heard “I have My witnesses in place. The Army of Lord is called into action.” He has His army already set up and trained in L.A. He is not without witnesses and I believe He's activating His witnesses in the City of Angels.


I am reminded that the Azusa Street! revival started in downtown Los Angeles over 100 years ago and was prophesied that a great revival would start from that city again. “Rev. Seymour prophesied circa 1908: In about 100 years or so there would be an outpouring of God's Spirit and His Glory that would be greater and more far reaching than what was experienced at Azusa.”


He is asking us to rebuild the city which bears the names of His servants, the angels. Let’s ask Him to see what our part in this is.

Thus says the Lord, The Holy One of Israel, and his Maker: “Ask Me of things to come concerning My sons; and concerning the work of My hands, you command Me. Isaiah 45:11.

Stay tuned for next week: What God was showing you was in fact a storm, a fire storm. I am speechless about what it says about the Pacific Ocean, war zone, fire and wind. It's remarkable. The cyclone which is a tornado…a fire storm.” Wendy.