The Book of Miracles
By Ralph E. Haynes

I am the wife of a SDFD fireman. I met Ralph 20 years ago just a couple of times and I was struck by God’s presence in him. This book is simply written and easy to follow, providing a glimpse into the everyday workings of the God of Miracles. Ralph’s joy and his love for people is felt throughout the pages.
This book is a fulfillment of my prayers for years that God would raise up an instrument to be used to those who are on the job or have left the job and do not yet know HIM. Thank you, Ralph, for answering the call. May this be the instrument God uses!
This book is a fulfillment of my prayers for years that God would raise up an instrument to be used to those who are on the job or have left the job and do not yet know HIM. Thank you, Ralph, for answering the call. May this be the instrument God uses!
Pamela Humphrey
7/6/22 The Miracles Continue: "Good morning, Pam! Your words about me being used by God to reach the older and retired firemen is coming to pass. Amazing!!! Only God…"
The Book of Miracles will draw you into the real-life experiences of a career fire officer and fire fighter. The stories in this book are true. None of the information presented has been embellished, there is no need!
The unquestioned character and integrity of the author makes these almost impossible to believe accounts believable.
Ralph E. Haynes currently lives in San Diego, California, “America’s Finest City.” After working almost four decades in the naval and California Fire Services, he retired from his dream job and career with the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department. However, he continues to serve his gifts to the community and the nations.
Ralph was ordained to the gospel ministry in June 1990. He has served in almost every capacity in the local church, including deacon, elder, Sunday school teacher, Sunday school superintendent, church board member, prison chaplain, prison minister, assistant pastor, senior pastor, and various other positions. Currently, the author serves on the Leadership Team and Outreach Ministry Teams at Word of Life Worship Center, La Mesa, California.
Numbers 23:20 Behold, I have received a command to bless; He has blessed, and I cannot reverse it.
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