City of Angels Wildfire ~ Signs Signs Everywhere a Sign
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I am interrupting my regularly scheduled posting regarding spiritual warfare. I had a feeling the New Year would bring about events very quickly, and I sense God is changing up the website to report His views on the happenings. Stay with me as I move and change with the Spirit.
I understand the fear and anxiety of living through a wildfire. My high school and college years were spent in Los Angeles, the San Gabriel foothills. I experienced living through a wildfire in 1979. Not to mention, the two I lived through in San Diego in the 2000s. So, when the L.A. fire started on 1/7/25, I had anxiety for all of those involved and retreated to my prayer closet.
I didn’t ask any questions of the Lord on the first day, but on the second day I started to hear God’s voice. First, I heard the City of Angels. “Los Angeles means "The Angels" in Spanish." Then, I remembered I had completed a series on Angels six months earlier.
Interesting coincidence, I surmised. But on January 8th, I heard a commercial on television. ‘Back to the Future: The Musical' is now playing at the Hollywood Pantages Theatre! Of course you remember Elon, a DeLorean and a Move of God? Elon and I were preparing to go somewhere, when a DeLorean car from the Back to the Future movie appeared. I believe once he is saved, God will start driving the car and releasing His Spirit to save the millions that are southbound to Hell!
More investigation, I found the Back to Future Musical is also playing in San Diego on January 14-18. In addition, the license plate on the Delorean reads “OUT A TIME” and the clock on the clock tower reads 10:05. Five minutes until 10:10! Perhaps, the 10:10 Mystery Prophecy has not fully played out.
I asked the question is this fire from you, God? And is it a coincidence that I had completed a series on Almighty's Angel Armies six months earlier and L.A. is the City of Angels? I wondered.
The same morning, I received a text from my niece regarding a horse that had been saved through the fire of Altadena. “Watch the story Pam, it's about a group of horses evacuated in Altadena and one got lost and then it was found and returned to the owner. It was a white horse!” Read Claire ~ The White Mare Saved through Fire.
White horse, ‘Back to the Future’, City of Angels…this is no coincidence. God is speaking in this fire. Remember, He told us two years ago that the revival will start in the west and head east, perhaps this might be the start, The Winds of Heaven are Starting to Blow.
In December 2023, I asked “We have seen the rains; we are now seeing the winds…what is next, Lord? I believe what is next is fire. Perhaps, in a variety of ways…I do not know specifics.”
The other thing I was reminded of was that on December 27th, I posted the dream of the Original Firestarter…Hmmm! 🔥 A fire goes before Him, and burns up His enemies round about. Psalm 97:3. A fire goes before Him and His revival!
Further meditation, I received a scripture address of Isaiah 61:4. And they shall rebuild the old ruins, they shall raise up the former desolations, and they shall repair the ruined cities, the desolations of many generations.
Wow! Then, the Spirit reminded me of an old dream. I was maneuvering a huge earth mover but not remembering when it was, another address came of Isaiah 58:12. So like the Lord, it had ‘Earthmover’ dream from 2014 written next to the verse. In addition, it references Isaiah 61:4! Next week, read the Earthmover dream under Watchman Dreams.
Those from among you shall build the old waste places; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; and you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, the Restorer of Streets to Dwell In. Isaiah 58:12.
God is surely speaking. Intrigued, more asking prayer and I heard “I have My witnesses in place. The Army of Lord is called into action.” He has His army already set up and trained in L.A. He is not without witnesses and I believe He's activating His witnesses in the City of Angels.
I am reminded that the Azusa Street! revival started in downtown Los Angeles over 100 years ago and was prophesied that a great revival would start from that city again. “Rev. Seymour prophesied circa 1908: In about 100 years or so there would be an outpouring of God's Spirit and His Glory that would be greater and more far reaching than what was experienced at Azusa.”
He is asking us to rebuild the city which bears the names of His servants, the angels. Let’s ask Him to see what our part in this is.
Thus says the Lord, The Holy One of Israel, and his Maker: “Ask Me of things to come concerning My sons; and concerning the work of My hands, you command Me. Isaiah 45:11.
Stay tuned for next week: “What God was showing you was in fact a storm, a fire storm. I am speechless about what it says about the Pacific Ocean, war zone, fire and wind. It's remarkable. The cyclone which is a tornado…a fire storm.” Wendy.