Dancing in the Dark ~ The Blacks
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We will continue our dream laboratory this week by looking at the colors and the time of day in Wendy’s ‘Dancing in the Dark’ dream located under Watchman Dreams.
“Many dreams are in technicolor, but not all. Most dreamers are unaware that part of what they dream is in grayscale; they only notice certain things that are colored. Splashes of color give added meaning to our dreams.” *
Continuing on with our dream interpretation, most of the dream took place at night and I wore a black dress. These symbols were troubling to me knowing (at first thought) what black and night indicate.
Darkness is gloomy or depressed; a dark time in one’s life. Job also used black to describe his condition when he was physically afflicted, “My skin is black upon me, and my bones are burned with heat” (Job 30:30).
“Darkness is the absence of light; black is the absence of color. So black can mean wickedness, evil, sin, famine, grief, death, ignorance, they’re all ugly! However, almost all symbols have both positive and negative meanings. Therefore, black can also mean beautiful, “I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem…” (Song of Sol. 1:5).
In addition, the opposite of lack is substance, so black can also indicate substance. In fact, it can mean the very opposite of drought and famine—abundance! An example? Read what happened when Elijah prayed for rain: And it came to pass [as Elijah prayed] at the seventh time, that he [his servant] said, Behold, there rises a little cloud out of the sea, like a man’s hand…And it came to pass…that the heaven was black with clouds and wind, and there was a great rain. (1 Kings 18:44-45).” The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Dreams You Dream. Milligan, Ira L.
“Most commonly, when the context is positive, the color black in dreams represents mystery, in the biblical sense of the word. Our modern idea of mystery suggests something unknown that cannot be understood or explained. It is ‘black’ because you can’t see it. However, that doesn’t adequately describe what we are talking about. Mystery has a deeper meaning in the bible. There is a sense that it means something secret and hidden, but it also carries the hope that God has hidden it for us to find. It tells us that there is something to be sought and discovered. It carries the excitement of a treasure hunt! Mystery is black because you can’t see it now, but it carries a promise that you will see and understand in due time.” heavensdreammessages.com.
Personally. I could accept black to describe my condition in this dream, except it is NOT my dream and joyous emotions were felt by Wendy as she watched me! So, could the darkness and black have a positive meaning? I think it does because of her emotions. And emotions are also ‘telling’ in our night visions.
As I prayed further on the blacks (including night), the Lord reminded me that the color and time of day signifies the end-times. Why? Because a lot of my end-time dreams are symbolized by darkness, as in the time of day, night time. To name a few: Let My People Go!, People Get Ready, and Pandemic Dreams.
The night is the darkness of our times; also, being prophetic in these times, one would wear black symbolizing the seriousness of the age. Recall if you have read about my church prayer assignment, I was told to wear all black to church for almost a year (page 335, My Sister’s Walk with God).
Night is the end of a day, an end of an age. Yet, it is darkest before the dawn. Dawn is the morning, a new day, a fresh beginning of God’s work. So, the time of day in a dream is noteworthy to its meaning.
The night is far spent; the day is at hand. Therefore, let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. Romans 13:12.
He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun. Psalm 37:6.
In addition, Wendy saw me in a black sleeveless 50s style dress with red roses and red lips on it. Her rendition is below.
The red roses and lips on the dress were fun to interpret. First, red means passion, emotion; enthusiasm; zeal and sacrifice. A rose also suggests passion. A passion for Jesus because God said: “I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys." Song of Solomon 2:1. And, red lips show a passion for speaking, but speaking what? We will soon find out!
Another thing to mention about the 50’s dress. I was prompted to find out what happened in the 1950’s in the kingdom of God, or Christendom. It was a time of great evangelism, white tent meetings and the Healing Revival.
“The Healing Revival is a term used by many American Charismatics in reference to a Christian revival movement that began in June 1946 and continued through the 1950s. The Healing Revival sparked the Latter Rain movement in 1948 (and the birth of Israel). The two movements were interrelated. The period of revival was a significant influence on the modern charismatic movement, Healing revival."
Wow, that’s exciting!