The Celestial Crown Fell! (11/24)

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And the heavens will praise Your wonders, O Lord, Your faithfulness also in the assembly of the saints. Psalm 89:5

This is an update to my post from 10/11/24, A NATIONAL CALL TO INTERCESSION ~ SEAT OF POWER. On Saturday October 12th was the prophetic gathering on the National Mall in Washington D.C.  Jonathan Cahn hosted the event with fasting and prayer in unity for America. A Million Women – An Esther Call on the Mall.

I was expecting something hopeful from the Lord as confirmation of Him acting on our intercession. That came on 10/13/24! From Jonathan Cahn in his own words: “Multitudes of women and men gathered from across the world on 10/12/24. It was where the gathering of the Return four years before took place on the National Mall in D.C., 9/26/20.  It was a gathering for repentance and prayer interceding for the nation.

I wrote in the ‘Return of the Gods, when a civilization empties itself of God, the vacuum of His presence will be filled by other spirits. dark spirits, demonic and ancient. Have no doubt that God will answer the prayers that we prayed on the National Mall. We fight not against flesh and blood, but rulers, authorities, and powers of this world, against the spiritual forces of evil in heavenly places.

In the Bible in Greek, the spirit means the sky and beyond the sky. Is it possible that some of the sightings of unidentified flying objects are of this realm? Could it be that they’re not from other planets, but they’re from other realms as in evil or good; heavenly realms, perhaps angelic and demonic? When you look at Ezekiel, it speaks of wheels within the wheels of heavenly chariots, they are angelic.

October 12th was Yom Kippur when we had the gathering for repentance, prayer and spiritual warfare ending with smashing the altar of the principality, Ishtar.  Ishtar | Goddess & Facts | Britannica.

The next night, something strange happened involving celestial objects appearing in the sky over Washington DC. Several witnesses recorded objects flying over the mall in all directions. The Bible speaks in the heavenly realm of His angels fighting the dragon. These objects might be a sign of warfare that something happened. What Just Happened in the D.C. Skies? 👀🌌

 An explosion and crash were seen and heard by people over the surrounding area. The crash was gigantic and recorded in the night between 8 o’clock, midnight and 3 o’clock in the place where we just prayed. The National Mall was surrounded and saturated by police and emergency vehicles. They were literally all over the mall and nobody knew why as people were taking pictures. Could this have been the spiritual warfare the day after we smashed the alter?”

By the way, the hours between midnight and 3:00 AM are known as the witching hours because it's thought that paranormal forces are at their strongest during that time.  Why?  There is a belief that it’s because Jesus died on the cross between noon and 3:00 PM, making this a most holy hour. Standing in opposition to Christ is Satan and his hour of dominance is placed in the opposing hours.

“Ishtar called Queen of the Night wears a crown and that crown was removed and fell from heaven over the mall! The pictures capture a crown, a celestial crown, falling from heaven to the Earth over Washington DC. We prayed against the principality who wears the crown of heaven.

“Per Wikipedia, the celestial crown is a crown with eight spikes. If you look at it, you’ll see five spikes because the two on the end are on both sides and so there’s three more that you don’t see so it’s altogether eight. The Bible speaks of the enemy falling from heaven as a star. The enemy is called the star Lucifer. The Lord gave us a sign of the breaking and throwing the force that has so corrupted America out.

Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it. Colossians 2:15

And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Luke 10:18.

“Kamala Harris is named after a goddess; her middle name Debbie means the goddess. She bears the name of the Hindu parallel of Ishtar. She bears the name of Venus, which is the planet of Ishtar, also the queen of heaven and a connection to Jezebel. Jezebel grew up as the daughter of the high priest of the goddess of Ishtar.

The election holds forces of a crossroad, either we will fall and accelerate our downward trend, or we will slow the fall so that there could be revival. I felt a burden to speak to Mr. Trump and then all of a sudden, I got invited to this place where they’re having a gathering and where they asked me to speak and give a word to Trump this Monday November 3rd. God wants to speak to him that America’s problem is not political or economic or ideological or cultural. America’s problem is spiritual. No nation who turns from God can be blessed. We change the government, but we can’t change the people. People change because of Jesus and revival!”

In addition, a comet was predicted to be possibly seen on October 13th. I couldn’t find any record of it being seen. But surprise, check out where people were told to look in the sky: “The bright planet Venus is a guide to pinpoint where to look — Venus is easily seen in the west. You can’t miss Venus, the Evening Star. Use Venus as your starting point.” Comet watch: A3 may be visible from DC area - WTOP News

God has given us the country as our land with this Presidential win. It is time to get to work. We cannot rest and think all is well now…NO! God saved this land to bring the revival for the end times. Our job is not over, we cannot relax. We have to continue to pray for revival or the enemy will refill the vacuum.

This country has to turn back to HIM. He’s given us a reprieve. Let’s not waste it.

“Behold, I send My messenger,

And he will prepare the way before Me.

And the Lord, whom you seek,

Will suddenly come to His temple,

Even the Messenger of the covenant,

In whom you delight.

Behold, He is coming,”

Says the Lord of hosts. Malachi 3:1