Harvest Moon

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The dream I am sharing was given to my friend and mentor four days after the 10:10 mystery was brought to fruition in 2020.

10:10 Mystery Prophecy Fulfilled – Believe Miracles Are for Today (believemiraclesr42day.com)

I was driven to find out what the number four symbolically means in the Bible.  It represents to “Rule or Reign.  In the fourth day of creation, God made “two great lights”—the sun and moon (see Gen. 1:16). These were made specifically to “rule” the day and night. From this, we can deduct that four means to ‘rule.’ Thus, the symbolism of four may include certain aspects of the world, as in the four corners of the world, or the four winds of the earth (see Rev. 7:1).” *

In Cindy’s own words: “First, I saw an image of Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s head to the left of the action that was being played out in a train yard. His image was very large, like when we have a Harvest Moon. He was smiling down on us and I sensed he was seeing us in a spiritual sense. He knew about us being there and was glad about it. We were working with him. We were not “followers” or fans. We had jobs and real work to do. Prophetic work.

Then my vision moved closer to the train action, and I could clearly see you and I working to help a young woman off the train (the train cars were green). She couldn’t walk down the steps and skinned her knee trying to get down. Her legs curled underneath her. She was unable to straighten them. Her legs looked strong and healthy, but she just couldn’t make them work. We were each on a side of her lifting her down. We bandaged her knee as she rested on the steps of the train car.

It was a lovely, sunny day. Lots of blue sky and green grass beside the train track. Felt like morning. It was a happy time except for the skinned knee and our concern for the young woman.  I believe the woman represents those who cannot flee on their own in the last day. We represent those who help."

Jesus what does this dream mean, I asked.  I received Malachi 4:2 But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings; and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves.

Why was I led to investigate the number of days after the 10:10 fulfilled prophecy when this dream occurred?  Because I believe it adds to the interpretation.  This is an end-time dream because of its symbols.  So, let’s lay the groundwork for understanding.  Again, four means to rule/reign and the moon was created on the fourth day.  Stay with me as we weave this together.

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn has an end-time ministry based upon the prophecies (contained in his books) that have been published.  His presence in the dream sets the stage.  In addition, a Harvest Moon (his head was that of a Harvest Moon) represents the end-time harvest that is on the horizon ahead of us (as it was in the sky).  The moon signifies the church, similar to my Fly Me to the Moon dream (on the Home Page under The Library, The Prophetic).

Fly Me to the Moon – Believe Miracles Are for Today (believemiraclesr42day.com) 

A Harvest Moon manifested in October 2020 (same month as this dream): “As if 2020 isn't weird enough, it's a year with 13 full moons rather than 12 -- and two of these will occur in October.  October's first full moon is the harvest moon on October 1, and the second full moon will occur on October 31. That's right: a full moon on Halloween.”  Full moons in October: Harvest moon tonight and a rare blue moon on Halloween – WSVN 7News | Miami News, Weather, Sports | Fort Lauderdale.

As Rabbi Cahn has an end-time prophetic ministry, so do Cindy and I.  I was told of this by the Lord in 2000 and she has known for many years the same.  All to mean, him smiling in agreement because our work will be similar, with the same purpose to bring in the harvest.  Here is where four comes in, meaning God will rule and reign in the end.

Let’s look at the location.  A train yard is different than a single train.  This is where all the trains converge, they all come together.  Train is symbolic of Christ’s continuing work and the yard is where all His work converges in the end-times.  In a train yard, the trains rest from their journeys.  Again, a cessation from their work. And to see how God ties the meaning all together, Rabbi Cahn’s ministry center is located on Railroad Avenue, Wayne NJ!

Now for the color green, as in the train cars and surrounding grass.  “Green Equals Life.  After God made the heavens and the earth, spoke light into existence, and divided the waters, He covered the earth with greenery. And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so (Genesis 1:11). The first plant mentioned is grass. The world is covered with grass on every continent and every nation. Live grass is green, and the root meaning for green is life.” *

Think of the scripture I received upon prayer for understanding.  Malachi 4:2 But to you who fear My name The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings; and you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves.  We who fear God’s name will be like stall-fed calves and calves eat green grass!  And the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing to heal the woman with the skinned knee (representing all of us who need healing).

Look closer at the knees, which indicate a call to prayer or ones’ prayer life.  She’s been wounded in her prayer life...we were helping to heal her, a call to help heal the prayers/intercessors/seers.  Getting off of a train can mean coming out of ministry or a seemingly unending work. 

The dream’s meaning would indicate an end of intercession and the end of church work as portrayed in the railroad yard.  I believe the purpose is to alert us that we are to contend for the faith as the time is so near.  And, to “Help these women who labored with me in the gospel…and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the Book of Life.”  (Philippians 4:3).

Lastly, the time of day being morning is a new day.  Bright, hopeful, green and grassy (spring and full of life) is the theme.  It is a good end-time dream, encouraging, and something to look forward to.

*Milligan, Ira L. The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Dreams You Dream: Biblical Keys for Hearing God's Voice in the Night (pp. 48-49).