Carpe Diem ~ Seize the Moment (10/24)

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It seems that August of this year has been an active dream month. I am not sure if this dream relates to the two previous Elon Musk dreams because he did not appear in this new dream. However, The Man is Elon Musk (8/24) and Elon, a DeLorean and a Move of God (9/24) dreams point toward revival, so I think they’re related. At least what God is going to bring to pass hopefully soon.

I had this dream seven days after The Man is Elon Musk dream. And seven is an interesting number meaning completion. “Seven: perfection; completion; purification; consecration; sovereignty; the covenant between man and God.” Volkots, John Mark. A to Z Christian Dream Symbol Dictionary.

Let me be clear, I am speaking of soul winning. The last part of the 200’7’ Covenant (titled Possess the Land) yet to be fulfilled is the great end-time in-gathering. When it comes, it will ‘complete’ the last remaining element of the Covenant God and I made. 2007 Covenant: “Possess The Land”.

Here is the current dream: I was in the company of a few children and I asked them ‘What do you want?’ They replied, ‘We want the land.” And, I said ‘Well then, I guess I am the ‘Land Lady’. I proceeded to wake up and heard ‘Carpe diem’, not knowing what that meant and the song ‘Be Bold, Be Strong’ played in my head.

First, I asked my husband what Carpe diem meant and he said ‘Seize the Day’ or something to that effect. “Carpe diem - Seize the day "Carpe diem" is a well-known Latin phrase that means "seize the day" in English. This term urges individuals to seize the moment, to seize the possibilities that present themselves, and to not delay or postpone.”  

Then, I looked up the song and amazingly, it is on an album by Promise Keepers called, ‘SEIZE THE MOMENT’!


Be Bold, Be Strong
For The Lord Your God Is with You
Be Bold, Be Strong
For The Lord Your God Is with You
I Am Not Afraid, I Am Not Dismayed

Because I'm walking in faith and victory
Come on and walk in faith and victory
For the Lord your God is with you

Run Through the Camp Tell Everybody
Get Ready Get Ready
Run Through the Camp Tell Everybody
Get Ready Get Ready

Are You Ready to Take the Land
Are You Ready to Take a Stand
Are You Ready to Take the Land for the LORD?

Through prayer, I received Numbers 33:52-53…Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: ‘When you have crossed the Jordan into the land of Canaan, then you shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you, destroy all their engraved stones, destroy all their molded images, and demolish all their high places; you shall dispossess the inhabitants of the land and dwell in it, for I have given you the land to possess.

Believe it or not, these verses were given in 2007 also, when the Lord told me how to possess the land He was giving via the Covenant.

"Verse 53 - I have given you the land. "The earth is the Lord's," and no one, therefore, can dispute his right in the abstract to evict any of his tenants and to put others in possession. But while the whole earth was the Lord's, it is clear that he assumed a special relation towards the land of Canaan, as to which he chose to exercise directly the rights and duties of landlord (see on Deuteronomy 22:8 for a small but striking instance). The first duty of a LANDLORD is to see that the occupancy of his property is not abused for illegal or immoral ends; and this duty excuses, because it necessitates, eviction under certain circumstances." Numbers 33:53 Commentaries (

As I further contemplated the dream in the weeks following, more revelation came. I kept remembering a dream from 2015 and another song that I noticed myself singing. Incredibly, it was the same song as from that 2015 dream! 

Sing and Pray with Me:  Be Bold, Be Strong

Lord, I confess that I have worried, but I have not wavered. I have doubted, but I have not denied. I have been in the throes of depression and forgot what joy feels like. At times, I have forgotten the joy of the freedom in Christ.

But YOU, O God, Promise Keeper could be on the cusp of keeping Your promises. Bring us into the land that You have promised, and we will take it. We will be bold and strong for You are with us.

We are not afraid or dismayed because we're walking in faith and victory. I am ready to take the land for You, LORD. 

Carpe Diem ~ Seize the Moment Explained

Carpe Diem ~ Seize the Moment, is a foretelling dream. It is not only for me, but I believe it has implications for all who are ready to take their land, our land and the promises that God has given us.

In the dream, I was in the company of a few children, and I asked them ‘What do you want?’ They replied, ‘We want the land.” I said, ‘Well then, I guess I am the ‘LAND LADY’.

Continuing on with the interpretation. The children could represent young believers in the Lord; pupils, students of Jesus, as we know we must enter the kingdom of God as like children. I was taken back that they answered wanting land instead of toys!

In any event, I titled myself the Land Lady, which is funny and the song, indicates it’s time to take the land. In other words, to get ready! What is the land promised to you? Has God given you as promises? Seize the moment, it is time to take the promised land, it also means ‘our’ land as in our country, the USA. The election is right around the corner.

Nevertheless, in my case, I am waiting for the Lord to ‘walk’ me into the land, I can’t do it myself. If I could, I would’ve healed myself a long time ago and I would have brought the promised revival of HIS Spirit overflowing. So, my land is dependent on Gods actions and my declaring I’m ready to seize the moment. Perhaps, that’s you, too?

As I further contemplated the dream in the weeks following, more revelation came. Besides the song ‘Be Bold, Be Strong’ which played in my head, I also remembered a dream from 2015 and another song that I noticed myself singing. Unbelievably, it was the same song as from that dream!

On February 20, 2015, I had what I call the Landowner dream:

I was walking and noticed a white horse on the right-hand side of the street, along with cattle on the rolling hills.  Suddenly, I found myself below the street where I could not climb out and I did not know what to do. I was stuck.

I then looked to my right, and I saw a way out; it was level and not steep at all.  The path led to a waterway and there was a Man who was the Landowner (in all white) operating machinery that controlled the water; He also had a few workers with Him.

As I saw the way out through the Landowner’s property, I sensed that I had dreamed this scenario before in another dream and I had an “ah ha” moment where I realized this was what a previous dream was showing me.  The kind smiling Landowner took me to His house where I noticed a picture of Him and His bride whom He dearly loves.

In 2015, I interpreted the dream: The horse and cattle are God’s creations, and the white horse (strength) represents someone who comes to save you.  As in the book of Revelation, Jesus returns with His army of believers on white horses. The color white is frequently symbolic of purity and righteousness.  I found myself underground with no way to climb out, representative of the affliction I suffer from. 

Then I looked and saw another way out, not hard to climb out of but easy through the Landowner’s property.  It dropped in my spirit that I had dreamt of this ‘way out’ before, then I was actually living it out which resulted in the ‘ah ha’ moment…a dream within a dream.  If you have ever had a dream where you say, “I have dreamed this before,” it was purposefully sealed away from the conscious mind by God until lived out later in life.

The Landowner who controlled the water was the Lord according to Psalm 104:10-14 “He sends the springs into the valleys; they flow among the hills…He waters the hills from His upper chambers; the earth is satisfied with the fruit of Your works.  He causes the grass to grow for the cattle, and vegetation for the service of man…” Water is also a symbol for the Holy Spirit, and cattle represent provision.

He kindly took me to His home, a reference to me being God’s child.  And when I left His house, I noticed a picture of Him and His bride, which I believe to be the Bride of Christ…in other words, His church.  I sensed the great love God has for His Bride. A song came to me after the dream: “Our God is Faithful”.

If this was a prophetic dream in 2015 and I believe it was, then I need an explanation of the dream within a dream experience because He has brought it to my remembrance again after the current Seize the Moment dream. Hence, they are related, but how? I definitely think it is what I have interpreted before, but I think there’s another element to it today. As with a lot of dreams, the meaning unfolds over time. I sense me now remembering I had dreamed this before is in reference to the current circumstance.

In 2015 at the time of this dream, a white horse did not mean that much to me. However, if you recall The White Mare, Horse Encounters and Follow the Signs, a white horse certainly means a lot more to me now. And that is the way in the prophetic, as the time gets closer, what was seen in the past as a trivial thing comes more into the spotlight as the time draws near for fulfillment.

Through recollection from the Holy Spirit, I remembered the Landowner dream. Hence, the Landowner dream was prophesying nine years into the future that I would have a forthcoming dream (Seize the Moment) and afterwards, be reminded of the 2015 dream. Which is what I believe just took place. But why? Because God is making a point that it is time to take the land! Whew!!!

Confirmation came with the song I sang after the dream. In addition, it is the same song from the Landowner dream, and I didn’t realize this until I reread the Landowner dream, thus God confirmed my theory. And taking the land is the reoccurring theme.

Our God is faithful and able
To keep us holy, to walk us boldly into the land
He is a mighty warrior who rules in mercy and His name is worthy

Of all of our praise

In summary, this dream speaks to us that God is the only way out; He has planned our rescue.  It also is a reminder that He is the Creator and controls everything. In our personal lives, as well as the life of our country.  

Sing and Pray with Me:  Our God Is Faithful

Lord, I confess that I have worried, but I have not wavered. I have doubted, but I had not denied. I have been in the throes of depression and forgot what joy feels like. At times, I have forgotten the joy of the freedom in Christ.

But you, O God, Promise Keeper could be on the cusp of keeping Your promises. Bring it on Lord, bring us into the land that You have promised and we will take it with thanksgiving and praise. Walk us boldly into the land for You are a Mighty Warrior who rules in mercy and Your name is worthy of all of our praise.

I will walk among you and be your God, and you shall be My people. Leviticus 26:12

As we end 2024, I want to look back at the Lord’s involvement in the miraculous election. And give Him thanks for what He has said and done predicting it beginning in 2021 through dreams. 2024 ELECTION TIMELINE.