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As we end 2024, I want to thank you for reading this website. In addition, I want to look back at the Lord’s involvement in the miraculous election. And give Him thanks for what He has said and done predicting it beginning in 2021 through dreams.

August 2021: Dream of Biden as an old toad. I am shown two pairs of boots apparently symbolizing to kick him with; a black pair (representing Afghanistan/Ukraine) and a red pair (representing China). After the encounter he heads to the REST room with his head down, mumbling. I woke to the song. These boots are made for walking by Nancy Sinatra.

These Boots Are Made For Walking.

Dec. 2023: I was with Trump on a ship when we docked/got off. I was then in the presence of a man with his head down right in front of me, close to my face. As I lifted my face and he lifted his, it was Biden. He introduced me to his VP and asked me if I knew her inferring, she will take his place. In prayer, I heard "His ship has sailed". At the time, I thought the Lord would kill him.

Bon Voyage, His Ship Has Sailed

August 2: I dreamed of Elon Musk. The Lord asked me to pray for Elon’s salvation. The Man is Elon Musk.

I investigated a little bit about Elon, not knowing much about him.

The world’s richest person, Elon Musk, just announced that he’s a “big believer in the principles of Christianity” and “a cultural Christian”. Musk’s reasons are moral and political – he believes Christianity can boost both happiness and birthrates. Elon Musk says he’s a ‘cultural Christian’ – I would say I'm probably a cultural Christian," said Musk. "I was brought up as an Anglican, and I was baptized."


August 12: Elon interviewed Trump on X after assassination attempt.

On 8/12/24 (9 days after the dream) Elon interviewed President Trump on X.com.  And wrote: "8/13/24 Elon Musk@elonmusk...Combined views of the conversation with Donald Trump and subsequent discussion by other accounts now ~1 billion, Quote X@X·"

“Former President Donald Trump told Tesla CEO and X/Twitter owner Elon Musk during an interview on X Spaces on Monday evening that he was “more of a believer” in God after the assassination attempt on his life last month.

The Lord told me He is using President Trump and Elon to bring in revival of souls before the end of the age


August 21: Another dream came of Elon. We were going somewhere together and a DeLorean car from Back to the Future appeared to transport us. He asked me who we were waiting for.  I said “The ‘COO’, JESUS, because you are important and that’s who is going to be the Driver.”

I got a view of an on ramp to the freeway we were headed to.  We were to go northbound.  All the traffic I saw was going southbound and was stopped.  I noticed the red brake lights; lots of traffic but we had a clear path in the opposite direction.

Elon, a DeLorean and a Move of God.


Aug. 28: ELECTION Dream, 67 days before election

The LORD told me in this dream to ‘Seize the Moment’, it is time to take the promised land, meaning, ‘our’ land as in our country, the USA. I woke up to CARPE DIEM, not knowing what that means and the song BE STRONG BE BOLD.

So, I looked up the song and it is on an album by Promise Keepers called, SEIZE THE MOMENT. The election is right around the corner.

Carpe Diem ~ Seize the Moment (10/24).

Sept. 3: Lord is going to use the ‘kings’ of this earth to facilitate the end-time gathering of souls soon to be saved. This interview is with LexFridman@lexfridman Sep 3.

“Our country is missing a lot of religion. I think it really was a much better place with religion. It was almost like there are no guard rails, without religion there are no guard rails. I’d love to get back to religion; more religion in this country.”

Give Me That Old Time Religion (9/24)

Oct. 4/Nov. 4: God gave confirmations to the Elon, a DeLorean and a Move of God dream from Aug. 21st. 

Notice on the pictures below with Trump in the DeLorean car, the top corner says National Revival!


Text Box: All the traffic I saw was going southbound and was stopped.  I saw red brake lights like from dream!

Elon, a DeLorean and a Move of God.


Nov. 5: God has given us the country as our land with this Presidential win.

On 11/5/24, “America is on the cusp of a new golden age, but we will have to have the courage to seize it!” President Trump said during his victory speech. It resonated in my spirit over the next day, the golden age!

"God spared my life for a reason," Trump told a packed crowd at the West Palm Beach Convention Center. It's a political victory that our country has never seen before, nothing like this." Trump asked, "every citizen all across our land to join me in this noble and righteous endeavor.” President-elect Donald Trump says his presidency will "truly be the golden age of America."

I had heard that before in a prophecy from the 2007.

“…The battle that you will win will usher in a new era… It will be the golden era, a time when I will move swiftly and sweetly through hearts.  Many will dream dreams; there will be Spirit sightings and a holy rushing wind that will captivate even the newest believers.” …for I have given you the land to possess. November 2007.

Nov. 10: A message from Jonathan Cahn on the results of the election.

“This election is not the end of the story. It’s the beginning, but we have to seize the moment. Pray that Donald Trump would fulfill all that he is called to do and fulfill the calling of his life. It’s not about his plans or our plans. It’s about God’s plan. An enemy tried to take out his life just before this election, and the hand of God spared his life for this election. God saved his life, and God doesn’t do anything without a purpose. Trump’s life was saved by a fraction of a second, a fraction of an inch and Trump knows it.”

Vivek Ramaswamy, an American presidential candidate and businessman said on Tucker Carlson: “That we’re born to be a nation, an example of what’s possible for human capacity. This is Trump’s story; a Trump come back is now America’s come back. we’re going through a kind of spiritual revival of American identity.” 

Dec. 3:

All the traffic I saw was going southbound and was stopped. I saw red brake lights like from dream!

Dec. 20: "Anything that is pro God, we must defend… God in the public Square and not allowed the media and the left-wing groups to silence discriminate against us to bring Christianity back into our lives and back into what will be again a great nation there you have it let’s make America pray again. God bless you and God bless the USA.” Trump narrates Christmas ad for Trump-themed Bibles