A Surprised Robber
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The following dream was a precursor warning of an enemy attack that came a month later. Currently posted 11/27/24 under Heart of an Intercessor: Something is Going On; I Feel it in My Body. It foretells a coming enemy attack that first happened to my sister, The Prickly One. Then, he came after me.
I was helping a woman locate a grocery store on El Norte Parkway. We found it closer than I thought, and I turned to go back to my car when a thief followed me. I knew he was planning on robbing me and I said to him: “You’re going to rob me, now?”
We got to my car, opened the back hatch and looked in it. There was a huge white horse turned to look at us from the driver side of the car, facing backward. It took up most of the car. We were totally surprised! It looked different than a normal horses’ face, but nonetheless, it was a huge white horse and the robber backed off.
Note some symbols in the dream…"El Norte" translates to "The North" in English. North – Spiritual: Heaven or heavenly; spiritual warfare (as in “taking your inheritance”).
And a white horse: power and purity; something God has for you that has purity and the purposes of God, and it involves power; horses always represent either good or bad power. Remember me and white horses? "WHITE HORSES".
The more I think on this dream, the more I see the white horse representing my Deliverer… Jesus! If we walk closely with HIM, He will alert us to the enemy's plots. We just need to be aware!
The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Psalm 18:2