A Mother’s Prayer Answered ~ The Boy Preacher

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If you are called into one of the ministry offices, you know it.  It becomes known to you in God’s timing.  When the Lord calls, it gets confirmed by different sources, people and a lot of times, with the laying on of hands.  It is a call into the ministry office of God’s choosing not our own…. I might add here, that the call to ministry can come at any time of your life; young; middle-aged or older.  Whatever God wants.

This life’s calling experience is written about in his book: The Book of Miracles: Things That Only God Could Have Done, (p. xxvii).  The Book of Miracles – Believe Miracles Are for Today (believemiraclesr42day.com).  Ralph Haynes is an example of being called from his youth.  Here is Ralph in his own words.

“My mother, Rosella Haynes, already had three sons.  However, her desire was to have a son that would be a preacher. So, she prayed to God for a son. My mother prayed the prayer that Hannah prayed in the Bible. I remember her telling me this story.  I really don’t know how long she prayed that prayer, but I do know that I was that son. I was born four years after my older brother, Frankie Lee, Sr. In fact, I was born one day before my mother’s birthday.

She told me that I became known as her birthday present from God.  In the process of time, it became very evident to everyone that God had answered my mother’s prayer, because I became a “boy preacher.” I remember going to church with my grandparents. After returning home from church, I would preach the sermon that I had just heard from our pastor. I loved to preach. I would preach to anyone and everyone. I would even preach to our pets.

My mother was so proud of me. I believe that I might have been her favorite preacher. She was delighted to watch me grow up. When I told her that I had received and accepted the call of God upon my life, the look of delight on her face was priceless.  She was not so delighted when I became a fireman.  However, she knew that I was here because of her prayers to God.  Using one word to describe my life, I would use the word ‘extraordinary’ or ‘supernatural.’”

Captain Haynes continues to serve the communities of southern California and the firefighters there as a Fire Chaplain of the Chula Vista Fire Department.  Prior to this assignment he served as Fire Chaplain for the San Diego Fire Rescue Department throughout his career.

He is a family man who is married to his bride of 38 years and a devoted Christian.  Ralph has served in almost every capacity in the local church including deacon, elder, teacher, Sunday school teacher, school superintendent, church board member, prison minister, assistant and senior pastor and various other positions since being ordained to ministry in June 1990.