Sent a Plentiful Rain ~ Signs of Our Time

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Do you mind if I brag about our God and what He has done? If you recall, it was in late July when I heard the voice of the Lord asking me to pray for the Latter Rain.  Ask the Lord for the Rain.  And with my prayer partner, we faithfully prayed for three months until November.  

During those months, He sent signs that the rains were on the way by giving us physical rain a few times a month before December.  As a matter of fact, I kept a record of the rainfall leading up to our first atmospheric river.  And there is a pattern.  I received rain in three different months: August, October and November.  Then, in December it rained three times in that month!  

In January the rivers began running just as we had requested as led by the Lord.  Every week brought a new storm and our snowpack became the highest in thirty years.  30 stations across the state have recorded their largest snowpack on record to date.

“Mired in a serious drought, the state was suddenly battered by an onslaught of 31 atmospheric river storms in a matter of months.” No one expected 31 atmospheric rivers storms to hit California. The mystery remains why? – Red Bluff Daily News

I want you to notice the three's going on here.  2023 (three!), the year of our Lord, would have been a third year of drought.  Three means to conform and to conform to His image; also, the Trinity.  And thirty (a derivative of three times ten) is ‘accepted and conformed.’  Thirty is the Trinity multiplied by ten.

So, God brought our drought to an end surprising all who thought they knew better!  This weather was a sign to us confirming His prophecy from 2022, The Latter Rain on Its Way.  I have documented the statistics in order to continue to praise God for His action; Fruit of Our Prayers .  How amazing is our God?   

Praise the Lord from the earth...Fire and hail, snow and clouds; stormy wind, fulfilling His word. Psalm 148:7-8.

You, O God, sent a plentiful rain, whereby You confirmed Your inheritance, when it was weary. Psalm 68:9.

God thunders marvelously with His voice; He does great things which we cannot comprehend. For He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth’; likewise, to the gentle rain and the heavy rain of His strength. Job 3:5-6.

He shall come down like rain upon the grass before mowing, like showers that water the earth. In His days the righteous shall flourish, and abundance of peace, until the moon is no more. Psalm 72:6-7.

I will explain more on the importance of this weather sign under Sent a Plentiful Rain ~ Signs of Our Time ~ Part 2.

In the light of the King’s face is life, and His favor is like a cloud of the latter rain. Proverbs 16:15.