Ministry Offices ~ The Fingers of God ~ Evangelists

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How many of you came to Christ because of evangelism or an evangelist, raise your hands!  I did, I did! 

It was 1974 and a popular cheerleader in my high school befriended me.  She was an evangelist and pursued me to give my life to Christ.  While attending a Billy Graham event in Los Angeles, I accepted God’s call.  Many of you probably have a similar story.

As we have seen, an apostle initiates a new work for God; prophets discern and declare the direction of a new work; and an evangelist gathers in the harvest produced by the new work of God.  Take for instance the revivals of Billy Graham which I was a fruit of.  From the time his ministry began in 1947, Billy Graham conducted more than 400 crusades in 185 countries and territories on six continents.  Amazing!

The Office of Evangelist ~ They are preachers of the Gospel, proclaimers of the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ.  The evangelist will speak to crowds, and they will also share the message with single individuals.  The gift can be used both publicly and privately.  Similar to the apostle, an evangelist has a type of ‘roving’ ministry. 

Many in Christendom believe that the Office of Evangelist not specifically listed in 1 Corinthians 12:28 is referenced by the listing of “miracles and gifts of healings”.  Why?  Because those happenings characterized Philip the Evangelist’s ministry (Acts 21:8 and Acts 8) and they would give supernatural authentication to any evangelist’s ministry office.

And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations...  (1 Corinthians 12:28).

I mentioned in my previous post that “there are nine ministry gifts: Apostles; Prophets; Evangelists; Pastors; Teachers (the fivefold ministry); and then there are Helps; Government; Miracles; and Healing.”  So, we can incorporate Miracles and Healings into the Office of the Evangelist as the first evangelists in the book of Acts experienced such phenomena.

“Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your holy Servant Jesus.”  And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.  (Acts 4:29-31).

What gifts of the Holy Spirit operate consistently in the evangelist?

Miracles and Healings do follow an evangelist, and my friend Wanda has many healing stories.  She is a perfect example of one who stands in the Office of Evangelist.  From a previous post:

“While ministering in Moreno Valley, she noticed a man with a red shirt on.  The man was in his wheelchair when she commanded him to come out of the chair.  He did and walked.  The background was that his doctors wanted to replace his hip.  After receiving his gift of healing, he did not need the operation! 

Another gift was given in the early 60’s in Bishop, California.  A man’s leg was four inches shorter than the other.  After prayer for him…his leg was restored the same length as his other.  Wanda is well known in Bishop as being the first woman evangelist to minister in Bishop.  Many of the churches that were established are still in operation today.  Praise God!

Read more about the Bishop Revival under the Archives: The Bishop Revival – Believe Miracles Are for Today (

Besides the gifts of miracles and healings, other gifts in operation would be Prophecy, Words of Wisdom and Knowledge.  Yet, as they mature in their calling, the evangelist will operate in all nine gifts of the Holy Spirit.  In addition, the fruit of the Spirit becomes strongly evident as they grow into the fullness of the office. 

“It seems that for someone to have the gift of evangelism there should be at least four things in place.

  • First, there must be a special desire in the heart. Those who have the gift of an evangelist have this uppermost in their mind. Indeed, they constantly want to tell people about Jesus.
  • Second, those who do the work of an evangelist must have a clear understanding of the Gospel message.
  • Third, there is also the need to explain the Gospel clearly to others.
  • Finally, there should be an overwhelming concern for the lost. Those who are gifted with evangelism should have an extraordinary burden for those who do not know Jesus.”

From: What Is the Gift of an Evangelist? by Don Stewart ( 

The Office of Evangelist is the middle digit of God’s hand, they stand between the new works of God that the apostles/prophets initiate, and the pastors/teachers refine.  The evangelist stands tall like the middle digit calling the nations to Christ, once the harvest comes in the other two offices of pastor and teacher take over.  But what is so exciting about this ministry gift is that the angels rejoice over its use!  What would we do without such an important finger of God, the evangelist?

Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”  (Luke 15:10).

Next time, I will feature one who stands in the fivefold ministry with the power of the Office of Evangelist.  Until then, be thankful for the evangelist who led you to the cross!

But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.  (2 Timothy 4:5).