The Bishop Revival
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I start this post on the past Bishop Revival brought in by the Lord and my friend Wanda Rust to give you a small taste of what a revival used to look like in our generation. But there is coming, a greater move of the Spirit that both her and I agree is on the near horizon! Breaking forth like a colorful sunrise it is sure to come in our lifetime.
Wanda and I believe that the revival coming will be like no other; nothing from the past. God will not use the church leaders or the churches in this endeavor. It will start with individuals, those that have been praying for it for a long time. The Lord will use children in the works of God; He’ll just do works on His own sometimes and He will use the faithful people. Somehow, it will start with these people however, no man will take credit for it.
He can’t use the leaders of the church as they are not trustworthy; they will use it for their own gain. That is why God will use individuals! Just as night follows day, this is surely to happen.
Just As Night Follows Day – Believe Miracles Are for Today (
“Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion! For behold, I am coming, and I will dwell in your midst,” says the Lord. (Zechariah 2:10).
Wanda, in her own words:
“In February of 1971, I held a revival for Pastor Timothy Treadwell on the Piute reservation in Bishop* with Larry my husband, and Larry Paul my son, who was 12 years old at the time. The revival lasted nearly a month or more. People were coming from all over, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Reno, and other places, because of the power of God.
God gave me free advertising on the radio and people would ask one another, have you heard what is happening at the Foursquare Mission Church on the reservation? This caused, even more to come out. Several churches started later, because of this revival.
We lost count at 300 people filled with the Holy Ghost and deliverances of demons that cried out when the power fell. The Lord enabled us to deliver them, as they manifested in speaking and in actions. The pastor had the back wall knocked out and moved back 42 feet, to give us room to pray for healings, miracles and deliverances. People had never heard or seen how demonic spirits speak and manifest.
A teacher from the school spoke up and said it was like going from kindergarten through to high school in the Spirit. God had sent me there to break the demonic power over the Owens Valley. A lot of the children were practicing witchcraft in the schools. The parent’s eyes were opened to what was being taught.
We also had a deaf and mute young lady come from Los Angeles and was healed and spoke in tongues of the Holy Ghost and then turned and prayed for me.
God used my son to pray for the Indian boys and some received the Holy Ghost. There were not only adults receiving the Holy Ghost, but the children as young as eight years old as well.
Too many healings and miracles to list, but I will tell you of the one man who came for the first time, I called him out and asked to pray for him. then, the Spirit came down and slayed him in the Spirit. He was grimacing so much people wanted to get him up. I told them to leave him alone that God was working on him. That he would get up when God was finished.
When he got up, I asked him what he felt? This is what he told me. He was an electrician and was working at the school, thinking that the 350 high voltage was cut off. When he touched the wire, the only thing that saved him, was someone knocked his feet off the ladder, which yanked his hands off the wire. He said that power could not compare to the electricity that he felt from God. How powerful. God has never stopped working His power.”
Wanda and I trust the Lord has put us together for this new work because we have both been told it’s coming and we think, SOON! So, he said, “These are the two anointed ones, who stand beside the Lord of the whole earth.” (Zechariah 4:14).
The Lord has made bare His holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God. (Isaiah 52:10).
And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with singing, with everlasting joy on their heads. They shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away. (Isaiah 35:10).
*Bishop is a city in California, with the largest population in Inyo County. Bishop is located near the northern end of the Owens Valley, at an elevation of 4,150 feet. The city was named after Bishop Creek, flowing out of the Sierra Nevada; the creek was named after Samuel Addison Bishop, a settler in the Owens Valley. Bishop is a commercial and residential center, while many vacation destinations and tourist attractions in the Sierra Nevada are located nearby.