Power Gifts ~ Gifts of Healings ~ Gems of Emerald

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I confess writing this post on the Gifts of Healings is a monumental task for me to contemplate since I am personally waiting for my healing.  I told the Lord “How can I write about this gift when I have not experienced it myself?” 

But the Lord saw my perplexity and sent helpmates to complete the task.  The day I started to title this post on the Gifts of Healings, my niece Carrie, had a dream.  Her dream portrays the Gifts of Healings soon to be manifested in The Emerald Shoe Debut.

Welcome to Watchman Dreams – Believe Miracles Are for Today (believemiraclesr42day.com)

In addition, the writing of this article on this particular gift would not be complete without me giving credit to my friend, Reverend and Evangelist Wanda Rust.  It is her ministry of 60 plus years that has given me the faith to write this post.  It is Wanda’s expertise in the gift that I will highlight as she has operated in it since 1961 when she was brought into His ministry.

For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.  (Acts 4:20).

As I prayed for revelation to compose my thoughts on this subject, God gave me a verse to use as my anchor: Revelation 22:2 In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

Did you see that?  The leaves of the trees were for the HEALING of the nations…leaves!  What color are leaves?  Yep, green.  Then another revelation came, Revelation 4:3 And He who sat there (God’s Throne) was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance; and there was a rainbow around the throne, in appearance like an emerald.  God’s Mercy Seat is where His healing flows from.  I liken this gift to the gems (healings) emanating from the throne of mercy...Emerald!

So, it is no coincidence that I have chosen emerald, green like the gem to represent the Gifts of Healings.  It gets better.  If you have read Angel Raphael Dream located on the Watchman Dreams blog, you see that Raphael’s illustration is portrayed in green.  Little did I know that Raphael, the Healing Archangel is usually always portrayed in green!  Emerald is the color of healing.

An interesting note happened the other day as I was in my quiet time.  I received the scripture address Exodus 15:26b:” For I am the Lord who heals you.”  Why is this so interesting?  Because next to the verse I have written in my bible “Jehovah Rapha”.  Here is the meaning from: The Names of God: Jehovah Rapha (blueletterbible.org)

“Jehovah is translated as “The Existing One” or “Lord.” The chief meaning of Jehovah is derived from the Hebrew word Havah meaning “to be” or “to exist.” It also suggests “to become” or specifically “to become known” – this denotes a God who reveals Himself unceasingly. RAPHA (râpâ’) also, (ROPHE) means “to restore”, “to heal” or “to make healthful” in Hebrew. When the two words are combined…Jehovah Rapha…it can be translated as “Jehovah Who Heals.” Jehovah is the Great Physician who heals the physical and emotional needs of His people. 

Recall the name of the healing Archangel?  Raphael!  Sound familiar?

What are the Gifts of Healings and why does the Lord use them? 

“Oh, you afflicted one, tossed with tempest, and not comforted, Behold, I will lay your stones with colorful gems.”  (Isaiah 54:11).

Basically, it is a gift of the Spirit to minister healing to another.  Through God’s mercy (flowing from His Throne) and the ministry of Gifts of Healings, the Lord gives His servants special gifts to pray for specific diseases and ailments. 

“Gifts of Healings is the only gift that is actually limited because of the "anointing."  Jesus, ". healed all manner of sickness and all manner of disease." Mathew 4:23, in His earthly ministry.

Why? Because Jesus had the fullness of the Holy Spirit without measure (His physical body was immortal and could accommodate the fullness of God's power) so that all Gifts of Healings were manifest in His earthly ministry.

The Body of Christ has the same measure of the Holy Spirit collectively as Jesus had individually (John 3:34).  Therefore, no one person has the Spirit without measure and cannot succeed in healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease.” LIFE IN JESUS-MINISTRIES: THE GIFTS OF HEALINGSS

How is this gift used by the Lord? 

My friend Wanda explains the use of the Gifts of Healings this way: “Each time you use the gift it is a different gift; each time you use it, it is a gift from God.  The Lord worked healings in every different way, so too, He does the same today.  This gift is available to all who have faith to use it.”

“The Spirit tells you of the condition or you feel the condition in someone.  Then, other times, it is shown to you in addition to feeling it in your body.  It is different every time God wants to use the gift.  He sometimes will speak the condition and then, how to help it.”

“When working in the ministry, I have no clue what the needs are and then sometimes I just speak the word or bind the devil and people are healed or delivered.  He could also tell me where the healing is taking place in the church.  It is based upon the Holy Ghost, and the individual…not on a pattern.”

An Example of the Gifts of Healings in practice

Wow!  God tells her where the healing is taking place in a church.  In fact, the Lord tells her what isle, etc.!  Wanda has operated in the Gifts of Healings almost since the beginning of her ministry call.  She has multiple stories, here are a couple examples below.

While ministering in Moreno Valley, she noticed a man with a red shirt on.  The man was in his wheelchair when she commanded him to come out of the chair.  He did and walked.  The background was that his doctors wanted to replace his hip.  After receiving his gift, he did not need the operation! 

Another gift was given in the early 1960s in Bishop, California.  A man’s leg was four inches shorter than the other.  After prayer for him…his leg was restored the same length as his other.  Wanda is well known in Bishop as being the first evangelist to minister in Bishop.  Many of the churches that were established are still in operation today.  Praise God!

To read a story of healing from Fire Captain Ralph Haynes titled Needle Stick at Station 19. 

Needle Stick at Station 19 – Believe Miracles Are for Today (believemiraclesr42day.com)