Gnomes of Deception and the Hound of Heaven

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This dream was not given to me but to a friend.  However, I do believe after prayer I understand the interpretation of what God was saying.  Below are the two recent dreams which she received in succession in her own words.

“In the first dream I see a figure in the distance approaching slowly, seems to be walking strangely.  Kind of shuffles doesn’t walk in strides. Then I see it’s a gnome wearing Christmas kind of clothing.  A red coat, pointed hat, long white beard.  It was walking on a beach with clouds covering the land beyond sea and sand.

At first, I think it’s cute and am glad to see it, but when it gets close to me, I see its very evil eyes. Glares at me. Scary looking and I’m fearful. Suddenly, just behind my left side and very close, a huge dog begins to bark and snarl at it. I can see his breath and it’s like the wind. He looks like my old Great Dane, Barney, with slick fur and a huge head, but it surely isn’t Barney! He’s very protective of me like Barney, though.  The gnome just evaporated and disappeared.

A few days later, a second dream came.  I saw a huge wolf-like dog in the same place on my left side and just behind me barking at swirling blackness. Can’t see a thing except the side of his big head and his powerful breath. I am very comforted and just watch. Then I wake up!”

Let’s look at what the Lord may be saying in the symbols of these dreams.  To begin with, gnomes are mythical creatures born into the world of magic and witchcraft a.k.a. earth dwellers believed to live within the earth.  They are also known to be tricksters or pranksters.  To me this speaks of a demonic origin especially noted by the evil eyes glaring at her, the trickery.  In addition, I believe gnomes represent the vain philosophies or myths of man. 

Notice it is walking on a beach.  The grains of the sand represent the multitudes of humanity as does the ocean.  Tossed by the waves are we and can be deceived if it weren’t for the Spirit of the Lord.  But God opened her eyes to see the deceiving gnome.  To my friend’s rescue in both dreams is a dog (similar to Torah) that slayed the deceptive gnome and swirling darkness by the wind of His breath!  I wonder who that could be???  The Hound of Heaven?

“For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason, God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” (2 Thessalonians 2:7-11).

During prayer for the interpretation, I heard The days are evil”.  “Therefore, the prudent keep silent at that time, for it is an evil time.” (Amos 5:13).

“See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.  (Ephesians 5:15-16).”

I sense the Lord is allowing the enemy to come forth in more visible ways where humanity (and the unbelieving) will think all they hear is truth.  Remember the Let My People Go Dream (found under Watchman Dreams Archives)Let My People Go! – Believe Miracles Are for Today (

The woman in the dream said about the rats “They are very welcoming” and I knew her to be deceived.  This is also evident in the current brouhaha about the UFO sightings and those that think they are alien beings come to visit us.  Could it be they are demons the Lord has allowed to manifest in these end times?  

An excellent article on the subject:  Aliens, Angels and the End Times Deception: – Ron Matsen – Koinonia House (

I also heard, The Doctrine of Balaam Revelation 2:14a: “But I have a few things against you, because you have there those who hold the doctrine of Balaam…”

An explanation on the doctrine can be found at:  What is the doctrine of Balaam? |

The meaning of these dreams for all of us is to watch out for vain philosophies of man aka the gnomes of deception in this evil time.  Beware of doctrines that seem at a distance, harmless but up close are ravenous.  I hear God saying “Once you discern the good from the bad, I will destroy them by the breath of My mouth. It is your job to discern. The times are evil, watch where you step.”

“By the blast of God they perish, and by the breath of His anger they are consumed.” (Job 4:9).

“Now this I say lest anyone should deceive you with persuasive words...Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.”  (Colossians 2:4 & 8).

“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.”  (1 John 4:1).