A Body of Evidence, A Body as Evidence

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I asked the Lord if I put this ‘Body of Evidence’ on this site will I finally find relief?  He answered with Isaiah 66:14: When you see this, your heart will rejoice and you will flourish like grass; the hand of the Lord will be made known to His servants, but His fury will be shown to His foes.

As I told you last week, I have written a chapter for my second book that I told the Lord I would not put on this site.  The chapter brings back painful memories and much confusion which is why it has stayed hidden.  However, I believe it is time to bring it forth because of recent events and the dream called Dimon’s Prophecy recorded (1/12/22).

Welcome to Watchman Dreams – Believe Miracles Are for Today (believemiraclesr42day.com)

The events leading up to this decision can’t be ignored.  I’m going to lay the groundwork of what transpired to catapult me into recording the hidden information.  If you don’t already know, the subject matter is my old church’s headship.  Beginning in May of this year, I started suffering some intestinal (side) issues.  I thought my body was reacting to poor food choices and stress.  But the longer it continued and through extensive prayer, the Lord revealed it had a spiritual connection. 

The discomfort was on both sides, and it moved from one side to the other on different days.  And yes, I did visit a doctor for consultation.  During this time of seeking medical attention, I received multiple scripture addresses (all different) with a notation by each verse ‘Side’, ‘Gut’ or ‘I am a Sign’ written next to the scripture.  I noted over twenty different scripture addresses given to me between May and September 2021.  The verses I received had dates of 2013, when God started to manifest my physical ‘signs’ representing the church (I had no recollection that I had side/gut issues back then as a sign).        

I could not ignore what was happening in my body because it was nerve-wracking.  I was also stumped why it was happening, until the end of July when the suspense started to make sense as I was sent dreams to help pull all the puzzle pieces together.  My instruction from the Lord was “Keep Watching”.  I will lay out the 2021 timeline so you can follow.

  • Mid to end of May, the side/gut issues start. I received an address: 2 Corinthians 4:10 Always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.  Written next to the verse is ‘Signs in my body, stabs in my side’ from 2013, which described my current physical issue.
  • Mid to end of July, the side/gut continued. More scripture addresses becoming more dramatic.  Micah 4:10, see picture below.  My bible says ‘Side’ twice and ‘Signs in body’ next to Micah 4:10 and, written next to Isaiah 66:14 (the promise verse from above) ‘Signs in my body’.

  • July 28th, a pastor with the old church contacted my hubby to find out how to get a copy of my book. We sent him this website for direction on ordering.  Because he was associated with the old church, I asked God for His view on the situation.  The Lord responded with a scripture address and the actual name of the person (who wanted my book) written next to the verse from 2008!  His name is only in my bible once (by that very telling verse). 
  • August 1st, Bobby and I awoke the same morning with dreams of the church. I will not go into detail with his dream, but it was a prophetic message about the assistant pastor of the church.  My dream was more revealing, and I will record it here.

    Dream: I was in the supply room at the old church.  I saw my books, but they had changed the contents as if it was theirs.  My cover design but their content.  The pastors pursued me to a restroom (need I say more!) where they attempted to steal my journals (source material aka evidence).  I escaped, woke up and heard ‘To the victor goes the spoils.’  Two days later, I heard the same saying twice on tv programs.  I also received scripture.

Now go, write it before them on a tablet, and note it on a scroll, that it may be for time to come, forever and ever: That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children who will not hear the law of the Lord; who say to the seers, “Do not see,” and to the prophets, “Do not prophesy to us right things; speak to us smooth things, prophesy deceits.”  (Isaiah 30:8-10).  Not a pretty picture.  In addition, these verses were given to me in May 2020 regarding the release of my first book (and the fear I felt releasing my journals from the ‘church’ years).

  • August 7th, hubby spoke to a friend from the church, and it was told to him that there was much turmoil and separation in the church’s headship regarding the assistant pastor (from his dream a few days before). More side issues and scriptures, see this one below, Jeremiah 6:16 which has ‘Sign of side’ and ‘I am a sign to them’ written by it from 2013!  I believe God was saying “There is pain on all sides”.

  • September 22nd, husband received another text from a different pastor telling us the pastor reading my book had questions for me-wanted to meet. I asked the Lord what I should do as it was painful thinking of an encounter.  The next night, I received ‘Stop the Pain’ dream (under Finish the Job ~ My Old Church, The Archives & Library).   I hadn’t given my decision to meet.

Stop The Pain – Believe Miracles Are for Today (believemiraclesr42day.com)

  • November 2nd, I avoided the request for over a month, hoping it would die a natural death. But hubby received an invitation to lunch with the same pastor who texted on September 22nd.  Minutes before he told me of the lunch meeting, my sides started pinging again.  During the lunch, another request was made for a meeting or at least, a conversation with me.  I finally told my husband, ‘No, it was too painful’.  But also, noting the hidden spider waiting for me from the ‘Stop the Pain’ dream.  I am not getting tangled up in that web again!
  • November 23rd, I received Dimon’s Prophecy ~ Sealed with a Kiss dream which is currently posted in this Archived series. It was after this dream and the unfolding interpretation/confirmations that I was coaxed into putting the Hidden Chapter on this site.  Will not your creditors suddenly arise? Will they not wake up and make you tremble? Then you will become their prey.  (Habakkuk 2:7).
  • The most dramatic confirmation to put the information on this site was when I searched the internet for an illustration picture to go with Stand on the Rampart article posted 1/12/22. I typed “Biblical watchman on a rampart” and the head pastor’s picture came up in the search results. Ugh!
  • December gave me the Envelope of Evidence, Baby, It’s Cold Downstairs and (the head pastor) Facing the Truth dreams located in this Archive.
  • December 8th I was told to go to my devotional and page 97. It is the page from February 2007 when the head pastor taught on Habakkuk.  This is the same subject he taught on in the video pix God used to confirm I was to put all this information on His site.  And Isaiah 21:11-12 Someone calls to watchman, what is left of the night? Watchman, what is left of the night?” The watchman replies, “Morning is coming, but also the night. If you would ask, then ask; and come back yet again.”
  • In addition, during December my legs had strange sensations manifesting, with God confirming that they were signs of what was to come in January 2022.  It was as if I was kicked in the shins.
  • January 4th, 2022, I received news that the head pastor of my old church had passed away. The signs in my legs and my sides have resolved after this update.

The Lord has brought back my attention to this well-worn matter to watch with Him as the former prophecies play out.  Though God spoke over a decade ago, these recent happenings speak to me that it is time for completion of that assignment- fulfillment!  

I’ve already done the work in the Spirit and the results will be manifesting.  What I have presented in this article is the ‘Body of Evidence’, not only in the events that occurred but also, my body as a sign…get it?  My ‘body’ as evidence.  A body OF evidence and a body AS evidence.  See how God works in the prophetic? 

Whatever God is going to bring about regarding this situation it is sealed with a kiss…please, Lord put the period on this sentence and finish the job!!!