Finish The Job Dream

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Recently, I had two strange dreams that I was stretched to understand.  I say this because the person the Lord used as a symbol in these dreams, I haven’t seen or thought of for six years.  It was my former boss at Goodrich, the final consulting job I held before God called me to quit working for a living aka retirement from man’s work. 

The surrender of my earthly career to the Lord was significant.  I was beyond excited at the time.  To me, it meant leaving my last paying job was the start of all God had promised was going to begin.  What was I expecting?  First, it has to do with revival of His church world-wide; not to mention what I believe He was going to do at my former church (as told under Chapter Ten of My Sister’s Walk with God).   

How I see through a glass dimly as it has been six years since I surrendered, and I haven’t seen His complete fulfillment.  Okay, with that background given I will now recount the recent dreams.  They came days apart and the consistent symbol was my former boss, Steve.

I was with Steve at Goodrich doing our normal working assignments.  He suddenly moved me to an Olympic-sized swimming pool outdoors.  There were no swimmers in the pool.  I was to teach at the pool from a book, but I was to read the book first.

Upon praying about the meaning, another dream came back to me from around the same time.  In that dream, I was also viewing an outdoor swimming pool.  I knew I would be using it in the future.

Then scripture came:

Let my teaching drop as the rain, my speech distill as the dew, as raindrops on the tender herb, and as showers on the grass.  (Deuteronomy 32:2).  This verse has the word ‘Revival’ written next to it in my bible.

Some days later, another dream came.  I was called back to Goodrich again with Steve.  We were to finally complete the job we were supposed to finish years before but never did (Steve retired early because of a company buyout).  In reality, we didn’t complete the long-term goals we had set for the department.

More scripture:

The Lord Almighty has sworn, “Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will happen”.  (Isaiah 14:24).

What is God saying?  I must be honest and say that I believe God will bring the revival that I have seen a far off.  But I have doubted that He will accomplish what I was told about my former church which also has to do with revival and includes a ‘purging’.

Nevertheless, I am thinking that I may be wrong.  Why?  Because the day after this dream, a pastor from my old church contacted us asking about my book (out of the blue)!  Then, the Lord started confirming things from the church years which I won’t go into here but will wait until they play out to fulfillment.

I interpret these two recent dreams to mean I am called back to a place of spiritual learning (Olympic-sized could indicate advanced) represented by the first dream with the outside swimming pool.  Outdoors could characterize no borders or limitations, fresh air (fresh Spirit) and teaching on the horizon of what I will learn (reading the book). 

The second dream calling me back to finalize ‘the job’ I admit is exciting.  My boss not only represents God, but also what I expected to happen when I left that job.  The Lord has brought back my attention to this ancient matter to watch with Him as the former prophecies play out.  Though God spoke over a decade ago, the dream speaks to me that it’s time for completion of that assignment- fulfillment!  I’ve already done the work in the Spirit and the results are playing out. 

After more prayer, I was given additional verses.  Both have been used by the Lord for the end-time revival and my former church!  So, this solidifies my hypothesis that He is going to complete all that I am anticipating!  Whew, I can’t wait.

Yet surely My words and My statutes, which I commanded My servants the prophets, did they not overtake your fathers?  So, they returned and said: ‘Just as the Lord of hosts determined to do to us, according to our ways and according to our deeds, so He has dealt with us.’  (Zechariah 1:6).    

Then He said to me, “These words are faithful and true.” And the Lord God of the holy prophets sent His angel to show His servants the things which must shortly take place.  (Revelation 22:6).