The Shape of Things to Come
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In my previous post, I spoke about the ‘circle’ dance. I wanted to take this week to discuss the importance of shapes in our dreams.
Now, everything in our world has a shape that we can see with our eyes. However, when the shape is highlighted or stands out in a dream it should be investigated. In doing so, we could identify the ‘shape of things to come’ from a prophetic sense of what God could be trying to tell us. God wants us to look deep into our dreams for His dark speech to see if we are serious about hearing His voice and curious about what His will is for our lives.
We can relate the Christian life and faith to four simple shapes. Let’s look at the shapes and what they represent or symbolize to us as Christians. The shapes are the circle, square, triangle and the cross.
A circle is a ring and a ring represents a Covenant; eternity; and never ending. “The circle is an interesting shape because it appears to have no corners or sides. Mathematicians might consider the circle to have an infinite number of corners and sides. Traditionally the circle, in the form of a ring, is regarded as a symbol of forever because it seems to have neither beginning nor end. Though, we, as mortals, contend with time, with beginnings and ends, we also as Christians enjoy access to the infinite and eternal realities —God and heaven*.”
A circle is never-ending grace; mercy; compassion; and forgiveness. So, when made aware of a circular shape in a dream from the Lord it signifies His timeless devotion to us. No beginning, no ending, always encircling!
He found him in a desert land and in the wasteland, a howling wilderness; He encircled him, He instructed him, He kept him as the apple of His eye. Deuteronomy 32:10.
When you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not wholly reap the corners of your field, nor shall you gather the gleanings of your harvest. And you shall not glean your vineyard, nor shall you gather every grape of your vineyard; you shall leave them for the poor and the stranger: I am the Lord your God. Lev. 19:9-10.
A square speaks to me of rigidity; sharp corners; and unyielding. “The square is a symbol of rightness, and we call its angles right angles. When I was younger, in the ‘Hippie’ era of last century, people used to describe as “square” anything bounded by rules or requiring straight behavior. *”
The square shape can also connotate legalistic or religious behavior. No mercy; hard or harsh; or of the world.
And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not wholly reap the corners of thy field [making them square], neither shalt thou gather the gleanings of thy harvest [thus showing mercy to the needy] (Leviticus 19:9).
Christianity can be thought of as square compared to the world’s view. Christianity is discipleship and that requires discipline. Paul says to, "Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord to please him in everything. Bear fruit in every good work and increase in the knowledge of God..." (Colossians 1:10-11).
Look at the context (good or bad) of how the shape is represented and highlighted to understand if God is telling you something.
“The triangle is the simplest of shapes made with straight sides. There are three simple sides to the Christian faith: "faith, hope, and love, these three, and the greatest of these is love" (1 Corinthians 13:13). It is through “these three”, that we work with Christ and through Christ. We translate them into a "work of faith, labor of love, and endurance of hope, in our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Thessalonians 1:3).” *
Take for instance, the triangular shape of the trillion-cut stone in a recent dream of mine. Representing the triune God, three sided (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). In addition, the Lord reminded me of the star of David, the symbol for Israel and the Jewish people. It is made up of two large triangles and if you look closely, there are eight altogether when you put the two triangles together.
I found it interesting that the Star of David as the recognized symbol of Judaism is a hexagram (the compound of two equilateral triangles) and a derivation of the Seal of Solomon.
To see a pronounced triangle in a dream is worth investigating. Could the Lord be saying “There are three sides to every story”? Yours, theirs and Mine (God’s Truth)? Again, the framework of the dream along with the dreamer’s circumstances of life would give clarification.
“The cross is, so to speak, the shape of Christ’s death and therefore the shape of our lives. Jesus died for our sins and therefore He is our Savior. Without Christ’s death on the cross, and the resurrection that followed, we would have no hope of salvation or forgiveness. We are ever thankful that "He humbled Himself and became obedient unto death, even death on a cross" (Philippians 2:8).” *
I am reminded of the dream People Get Ready. In the dream, I looked up to the sky, which was dark but clear and a huge, brilliant cross shown in the blackened heavens. The cross had a crown of thorns around its top. I knew it to be the Sign of the Son of Man coming.
In the dream (though I didn’t post my feelings), I was frustrated with the believers I was in the company of because they did not want to get ready for His coming. They saw the sign in the sky as I did, but paid little attention. This was a prophetic warning (a shape of things to come) that some believers will think just as time has always been so it will continue.
In addition, the dream epitomizes the phrase “The shape of things to come” because the sign of the Son of Man coming is in the near future!
See, I have told you beforehand. Matthew 24:25.
To summarize, shapes make up our entire world and as such, in a dream can open up more depth of meaning to the dreamer when understood.