These Boots Are Made For Walking (10/21)

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The following dream was given to me one week after Kabul Afghanistan fell on August 15th.  I do not pray about political figures.  I choose to keep my mind on things from above but there are times when God slips me a Presidential dream every few years…but it is not my seeking.  Because He has given the dream, He also wants it posted.  So, let’s get going.

In the dream, I was in our pool facing east (east is indicative of God’s glory, so I was facing God).  Our pool is situated in the front of our property.  It was dark out when I noticed a large toad near the me.  It had greyish-white ugly skin, and it was old, big.  I was afraid it would jump in with me and contaminate the pool.  It did not. 

The final scene found me sitting on my patio near the pool with the current President.  It was still dark outside.  He had brought me two pairs of leather boots (black and red) to try on and to purchase.  The black pair had large square sturdy heels about 3-4” high.  I took note of the heel.  I tried them on, they fit.  I would buy these.


Next, I tried on the red boots with pointy toes.  They had kitten heels.  They too fit but were used.  I was incensed that they were already well worn.  I rejected the red boots because they were used and the kitten heels were too tiny.

The President mumbled about a payment plan to buy the the boots and I told him several times, I had no problem with money, I can pay the price.  He did not say anything more and walked away into the house.  He headed to the guest bath with his head down. 

 I awoke to Nancy Sinatra’s song: These Boots are Made for Walking!”

You keep saying you got something for me
Something you call love, but confess
You've been messin' where you shouldn't have been messin'
And now someone else is getting all your best
(Chorus) These boots are made for walkin'
And that's just what they'll do
One of these days, these boots are gonna walk all over you
Yeah, You keep lyin' when you ought to be truthin'
You keep losin' when you ought to not bet
You keep samin' when you ought to be changin'
Now what's right is right, but you ain't been right yet
You keep playin' where you shouldn't be playin'
And you keep thinking that you'll never get burnt, hah
I've just found me a brand new box of matches, yeah
And what he knows you ain't had time to learn
Are you ready, boots?
Start walking


After prayer, I heard: “I will be an Enemy to your enemies” which is Exodus 23:22 But, if you indeed obey His voice and do all that I speak, then I will be an Enemy to your enemies and an Adversary to your adversaries. 

Listen to Me, My people; and give ear to Me, O My nation: For law will proceed from Me, and I will make My justice rest as a light of the peoples.  (Isaiah 51:4).

Let’s take this scene by scene and with prayer.   In the first scene, it was dark, meaning uncertain or evil times.   The front of the house symbolizes present or soon, a future event.  My emotions were important about the toad.  I was fearful the toad would infect my spiritual activity (in the pool).  The toad?  What did it represent?  Who was it?  

First, the skin was lumpy, greyish white…an old animal.  Large in size (denotes position, a president) and threatening as I was afraid of it.  A common old wives’ tale says handling a toad will result in getting warts, a curse.  A toad symbolizes a demonic spirit; the plague of Moses.  One that is puffed up as a toad expands its throat when it croaks.  It is a noisy person; a boastful person with a lying nature; or someone speaking curses and plagued with unclean spirits (plague, curse on our country/president).

The final scene, the President appeared in the darkness.  Again, evil times.  He brought me boots which are representative of being equipped for spiritual warfare.  Both pairs fit me but I rejected the red pair, why?  Red means anger, war and destruction (in the negative sense since the times were dark).  In other words, I rejected the anger and destruction of the red boots.  They were already worn, meaning others had worn those boots concerning the President.  I did not want to carry those emotions into the spiritual battle.  Plus, the red boots had a kitten heel suggesting the anger has no power in the spiritual realm!

Instead, I bought the new (a new assignment for warfare) black boots with the powerful heels.  A boot’s heel is a crushing power; equipped for hardy spiritual warfare against demonic spirits and spiritual darkness (black boots).  They would avail more power in prayer.  I also had no problem with paying him back (payback).  

Needless to say, we have entered into a time of national judgment and there will be more to come during this President’s tenure.  We have already seen under him a continuance and flare-up of the pandemic, a military defeat, natural disasters (Ida-affecting the gulf and east coasts), etc. 

The last scene found the current President headed to the bathroom which means washing or purging as in repentance, a cleaning of one’s self (perhaps with national repentance, revival can finally come).  Notice in this next verse I was given, references to feet, snare (curse or sin), darkness and a heel.  All symbols in the dream and in the song given upon waking. 

The light of the wicked indeed goes out, and the flame of his fire does not shine.  The light is dark in his tent, and his lamp beside him is put out.  The steps of his strength are shortened, and his own counsel casts him down.  For he is cast into a net by his own feet, and he walks into a snare.  The net takes him by the heel, and a snare lays hold of him.  (Job 18:5-9). 

Though I was going to buy the black boots, I did not keep them on in the dream.  I merely tried them on to see if they fit, which they did.  Thus, I don’t know what God wants from me yet.  I really don’t feel like praying for what I was shown…so I wait for further instructions. 

I asked when I should post this dream, the Lord responded 10/10.  To confirm this date of posting, just last night I watched an old movie with Nancy Sinatra in it.  Then, the movie channel did a current interview with Nancy.  Just as she started talking about her hit “These Boots Are Made for Walking”, I looked at the clock and it read 10:10!  I heard the Lord speak: “And the beat goes on”.  This too was from an old Sonny & Cher song.  Believe it or not, that song was released the same year as Nancy’s song…1966!

I can’t help but wonder if he’s going to get ‘the boot’!  In any event, it seems to me that I could be asked to pray him off to repentance before the heel of God crushes him.  Are you ready, boots?  Start walking.

Now it came to pass on the next day that Moses said … “You have committed a great sin. So now I will go up to the Lord; perhaps I can make atonement for your sin.”  (Exodus 32:30).