The Place of Prayer in the Latter Rain

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Ask the Lord for rain in the time of the Latter Rain…Zech. 10:1.

There is a vital faith element which is always evident in the days preceding revival…faith is provided by those whom we may call ‘the watchmen on the walls.’  Just as Jerusalem had its watchmen, so too does the modern-day church.  They are the seers, the prophets, the intercessors who are constantly on watch and report to us their findings…they tell me – like Elijah of old, they see a cloud the size of a man’s hand scudding across the heavens and know that soon we shall see a deluge such as we have never seen before.

Though the church will not be interested in commotion or fervency, but in order and stability…they will not merely regard revival as irrelevant, but as messy, even injurious.  It interferes with the smooth functioning of the services…it is as an institution…whenever Christianity has been faced with a movement of the Spirit that did not fit into its preconceived ideas of how the Church should function, it has immediately set its face against it.  I don’t think God despises institutional Christianity, but it just gets too cramped for comfort, and He has to move out.

Revival is a sovereign act of God in the sense that He alone can produce it, but I believe that He deigns to hand over to His people the responsibility of bringing it down from heaven by fervent believing intercession.  Every great outpouring of the Holy Spirit ~ Pentecost included ~ began in the mind of God but it broke through on earth at the point of passionate persevering prayer.”

The Every Day Light Devotional: Daily Inspirations from Selwyn Hughes.