The Man is Elon Musk (8/24)

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Recently, the Lord has expanded my mission of intercession beyond Saudi Arabia and asking Him for the nations as His inheritance and ours. As it usually is with me, the request came in the form of a dream. A dream of one of the most famous men on earth (currently) and I was, as surprised as you will be. The man is Elon Musk.

“Time has listed Musk as one of the most influential people in the world on four occasions. Musk was selected as Time's "Person of the Year" for 2021. Then Time editor-in-chief Edward Felsenthal wrote that "Person of the Year is a marker of influence, and few individuals have had more influence than Musk on life on Earth, and potentially life off Earth too."

For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul? Mark 8:36-37.

Here is the dream from August 2nd: I was looking at a steep embankment with Elon Musk.  I was encouraging him to climb up to the top where there was a large reservoir of water. He was hesitant, almost fearful and didn’t think he could make the ascent. I was reassuring him that it was not too hard to climb up.

He did climb with me and we made it to the top of the embankment and the water. Next, we were standing in front of a glass wall on the other side of the reservoir. Opposite of the glass wall were a handful of men and women. They seemed to be members of a board of directors.

I scrunched down near the water, but Mr. Musk stood up tall. I knew he would be seen and recognized. He didn’t seem to care. Upon waking, I heard “living waters” and a scripture address of John 4:10-14.

Jesus answered and said to her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.”  The woman said to Him, “Sir, You have nothing to draw with, and the well is deep. Where then do You get that living water? …Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”

Matthew 6:33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.

With the phrase “living water” (my ‘code word’) and the scripture addresses, I felt I had a good idea of what God was telling me. With further prayer, I received Isaiah 63:19 We have become like those of old, over whom You never ruled, those who were never called by Your Name.

Based upon the scripture above, doesn’t it sound like Elon used to know the Lord or at least recognized Him?  At the time of the dream, I knew little about Mr. Musk. I knew he started Tesla, and SpaceX. He bought X (formally Twitter) and is one of the richest men in the world. Oh, I also know he likes Trump. That was the extent of my knowledge of this person.

The day after I received the dream, I contacted my mentor about it. To my utter surprise, she said she has been fascinated with him and been praying for him for a number of weeks. Great confirmation, as I am sure there are more people out there in addition to us. 

Sing, Proclaim and Pray with Me:  Cry of My Heart - Maranatha! Praise Band 

Lord, we proclaim into the heavenlies and the spiritual realm that Elon will climb the hill of faith, ask You for Your living waters, and stand tall to proclaim the salvation of our God.

9/11/24 The Man is Elon Musk ~ Explained

So, I started doing a little homework by taking the clue that God gave me concerning my prayer assignment and running with it!  First, I looked up where Elon was born and his background as a child. I wanted to know if he had been introduced to Christianity and Jesus. From the little I knew about him; I did not know him to be a believer. But I found some very interesting recent happenings which occurred eight days before my dream. Here is what I discovered.

“The world’s richest person, Elon Musk, just announced that he’s a “big believer in the principles of Christianity” and “a cultural Christian”. Musk’s reasons are moral and political – he believes Christianity can boost both happiness and birthrates.”

"I would say I'm probably a cultural Christian," said Musk. "I was brought up as an Anglican, and I was baptized." Elon Musk says he's a 'cultural Christian.

And “What Elon Musk said about Jesus Christ will blow your mind!”

Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Assuredly, I say to you that it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. And again, I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

When His disciples heard it, they were greatly astonished, saying, “Who then can be saved?” But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:23-26.

“On various occasions, Musk has revealed that he once had affiliations with Christianity. The businessman was baptized into the Anglican church as a child and participated in various Christian activities at that time. Even his name “Elon” is a Hebrew name that appears six times in the Old Testament of the Bible. Means "oak tree" in Hebrew.

Musk disclosed that he was brought up as an evangelical in South Africa but as early as 14 years old, he started having a crisis of faith which motivated him to read many religious and philosophical books.

The books he read changed his perception of the Christian faith and till today the 'techpreneur' has not publicly shown any religious affiliations. Musk stated that he lost his faith in the church, but he doesn’t regard himself as an atheist.” Is Elon Musk A Christian? (

Not to get into too much detail with my interpretation, but let’s look at some of the symbols. The embankment is the upward climb of faith and intercession to get Mr. Musk near the reservoir. The reservoir in the dream are the living waters of God reserved for him.

The glass wall represents prophecy (looking into the future) and the people on the other side of the glass wall could be his peers. They may represent the companies that he owns or anyone that is influenced by him or perhaps, ‘watchers’ and ‘witnesses’ from heaven! I was scrunched down, hidden as an intercessor is supposed to be, and yet Elon stood tall. He will be seen by the whole world for the decision he has made.

For now, we see through a glass, dimly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 1 Corinthians 13:12.

To my amazement, on 8/12/24 (9 days after the dream) Elon interviewed President Trump on  And wrote: "8/13/24 Elon Musk@elonmusk...Combined views of the conversation with Donald Trump and subsequent discussion by other accounts now ~1 billion, Quote X@X·"

“Former President Donald Trump told Tesla CEO and X/Twitter owner Elon Musk during an interview on X Spaces on Monday evening that he was “more of a believer” in God after the assassination attempt on his life last month.  The first one was not a good situation, not a good situation,” Trump said. “That was really something incredible. That was from God. That was from God. Because the chances...that was from God. For all of you non-believers, that one was from God, right?” Trump Tells Musk: 'I'm More of a Believer' in God Since Shooting (

The Lord knows this man’s heart is ripe and his influence could possibly bring in a worldwide revival, just think about it. He has access to all the money in the world; to space; to the Internet, etc. etc. What a spokesperson for Jesus he could be! 

I knew this dream was from God because of the man that was the focus of the dream and what I heard upon waking. The Savior of the world is calling me and any that feel led to intercede for Mr. Musk. To ask the Lord to give him the living water that only comes from God. The scriptures given are what will be used in the job of intercession for Elon. They are the instructions and roadmap. 

In an interview two years ago, Mr. Musk said, “But hey, if Jesus is saving people, I mean, I wouldn’t stand in His way. You know, like, sure… I’ll be saved why not?”  I think the interview with Trump made Elon more open to a walk of faith.  When he said he’s more of a believer in the Lord now than ever, I surmise it helped move Elon closer to the LIVING WATERS!  

Do you see what is transpiring? God is bringing the ‘kings’ of this world (I believe President Trump and Mr. Musk) into His fold before the great end-time gathering to facilitate this work. Kings shall be your foster fathers, and their queens your nursing mothers; They shall bow down to You with their faces to the earth… Isaiah 49:23.

Join me in praying because this mission is not impossible…praise and glory to our God. And all the ends of the Earth will see the salvation of our God. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Romans 10:13.

Whoever believes in Me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them. John 7:38.

Sing and Proclaim with Me:  We All Bow Down - Lenny LeBlanc

Let's pray: Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, I thank you for giving the opportunity to pray for one of the most influential men in the world right now. Your Eyes are on him for good and so I come before you and ask that you put it on Elon‘s heart to ask for Your LIVING WATER.

Lord may Elon climb the hill of faith and seek first Your kingdom and Your righteousness. To humbly bow before You, knowing that without all the trappings of the world, he is just a sinner as we all are. Make this fact clear to him, and that he would humble himself before You, seek Your salvation and Your living waters will be poured out to him.

I thank You in advance for what You’re going to do in this man’s life. May we see it come to pass before our very eyes in Jesus’ name we ask. Amen. Yes, all kings shall fall down before Him; all nations shall serve Him. Psalm 72:11.