The Hidden Chapter ~ A Startling Thought

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Finally, we have come to the end of this series on my old church.  I am so happy to move on knowing I was obedient to fulfill what the Lord has asked of me in posting these past seven weeks.  Thank you for standing and staying with me through this very painful subject.  

Recently, the Lord revealed a startling thought.  A thought like a lighthouse shining in the darkness.  While in prayer, I asked again if I should believe the Splendor Word Splendor Word and if the leadership changes (I laid out in my previous post) came to pass…if they were truth.  God gave me a scripture address that I did not recognize, 2 Chronicles 1:16.  I looked it up in my bible and it was not highlighted or dated (which I always do when given an address from the Lord).  However, written next to the verse was ‘Splendor Word’!

I did not record this piece of scripture in my computer typed version of the Splendor Word, either.  So, I went back to my original hand-written journal and inscribed under the other verses I received at the time was 2 Chronicles 1:16. However, in my journal it was scratched out, like I didn’t feel it applied to the prophetic word at the time.  Silly me!  The Lord revived that verse by giving it to me as an address almost fourteen years later to make a point.

What was the point God was making?  What was the startling thought?  He was telling me that the Splendor Word is going to happen, but it doesn’t matter what ‘man’ brings it about.  Because no man will bring it about, it is going to come to pass due to the faithfulness of the Lord and it is His movement.  No man will start it or lead it or run it or be credited to it because it is God’s new movement.  It is the Lord’s awesome, and I might add, His unusual work.

Hence, all my pondering if the former assistant pastor would return to lead my old church when the head pastor exists is a non sequitur.  Meaning my conclusion may not match what God has intended.  In other words, my assumption might not happen as I have thought for fourteen years.  Maybe the former assistant pastor whom I regard as a quintessential man of God, teacher and humble leader is a ‘prototype’ of the person God may bring to teach the flock.  Perhaps, he is used in my dreams as a symbol of the ‘Splendor Word’, similarly to Taunya who represents the 2007 Covenant in my dreams.

In any event, I was surprised that I had not understood this before.  The Lord in His mercy tenderly jolted me from my long-held belief.  And you know what?  It doesn’t really matter who leads God’s flock.  What matters is that Jesus’s glory is coming, and He will inhabit the sanctuary, and all will be refreshed.  I remind you again of His words:

“It is a time of splendor in My Spirit; a time of threshing of old human ways and traditions; and a way of new hope and renewal to an old wine skin.  This work will be a life changing work, the institution will not survive but I will breathe in it, new life.  As I said before My church will come to life and it will be true to its name.  The Lord cometh and He will inhabit the true praises of His people.  And I will set My sanctuary with you, and all will be refreshed.”  Just believe!

“He who testifies to these things says, ‘Surely, I am coming quickly.’ Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!”  (Revelation 22:20).