Stabbing the Enemy Dream

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A good example of the Lord, revealing what happens to the enemy when we are obedient with what He tells us to do whether in prayer or an action.  The following dream was given to me when my book was finished (  

After the prayer assignment ended, the LORD revealed that I would have to go public with what happened.  However, it took six years before GOD actually told me to document the events.  Ten months after the book was released for publication in April 2020, I dreamed. 

I was sitting in a chair when I noticed a dark evil figure to my left, standing.  It was hovering over my shoulder in a black robe with its head covered.  I was startled and began to pray in tongues.  The prayer then turned into the Lord’s prayer.  As I prayed, I found myself stabbing the ominous figure with a mechanical pencil.  I violently wounded it on its hands, arms and lastly, in its chest. I felt the pencil digging into the figure’s body and not into the air.  It was silent as I stabbed and then disappeared. 

The key to the dream was the mechanical pencil which is symbolic for writing as in writing of the book and now, this website.  I never considered the spiritual implication of the book’s publication.  I sense the Lord was giving me insight into the enemy’s camp.  I have revealed the dark recesses of the enemy’s territory which the light of God has exposed in a very public way.  I have wounded the enemy through these writings.  I have hindered the enemy’s work (hands and arms) and gave it a blow to the heart.  This is what we are called to do as His disciples.

Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it. Colossians 2:15.

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.  Revelation 12:11.