Sister Swing Dream

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June 5, 2021

My daddy had built me a swing in a tree in the backyard of my childhood home (where I grew up with my three sisters). It seemed like it was 50 feet high on ropes. My big sister, Sherry was pushing me on the swing. She pushed me really high, almost scary but exhilarating. As I was flying in the air back and forth, I noticed how high I was off the ground. I also took note of the ropes on the swing how long they were that made me go so high in the air. The dream ended.

I was curious to find out if it was a good or bad dream; and whether or not it was from God. Because my big sister and I haven’t been as close as we used to be, I immediately thought it was a bad dream. Initially, as I thought about the swing and her pushing me. I thought, perhaps, she was pushing me emotionally in a bad way. Though in real life that hasn’t happened at all. My big sister has been loving and supportive. But because of the backyard at my childhood home, that represented the past. Past hidden hurts from my big sister in my childhood years, that’s what I thought.

Upon prayer and with more insight from God, I discovered more. A swing means either: mood swings about her; or if she prays for me, swinging indicates being in full flow of power or peace. And swinging high is reaching for the high things of God, flowing high in the Holy Spirit. I do know without a doubt that daddy represents the Lord. Wow, this could be God dream.

I asked the Lord for a scripture and He gave me Proverbs 3:18: “She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her and happy are all who retain her.”

Notice this verse speaks of wisdom as a female (symbolizing my older sister). It also speaks about the tree of life, which certainly is God but also can represent our family tree. And all are happy who retain her symbolizes the prayers that she prays for me. 

Why did I notice the fifty-foot ropes that held the swing? Fifty represents Pentecost, freedom (jubilee/free from debt) and it is the number of the Holy Spirit. And ropes symbolize bondage; rescue or salvation. I think the fifty-foot ropes in this dream indicate my big sister has helped rescue me (through her prayers and to release me from the ropes of the past) in order that I might experience more of the Holy Spirit.

Currently, I have three toddlers living in our guest house and I see the way they treat each other…controversy abounds! I might add, what siblings ever grow up without hullabaloo between themselves? But wisdom says that we aren’t children anymore and are to move on past our childhoods with His help.
This dream was God’s way of bringing reconciliation to my veiled childhood memories. In addition, to show me that Sherry’s prayers have swung me into the high places of the Holy Spirit. One last funny note, I had the dream on the morning of ‘Siblings Day’, April 10,2021…what a sweet sister dream!