Saudia Arabia, Lord?

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I had a feeling that the dream Your Mission if You Choose to Accept It  was not a part of the ‘Angel Series’, Almighty's Angel Armies, even though I was escorted, clothed and instructed by two angels in the dream.  Another dream came once I asked the Lord the question about not belonging to the Angel Series.  It confirmed a call to intercession, and the work must not remain hidden.  The work must be done in the light of day.  Unlike the prayer assignment for my church, which was done in secret, this new assignment is to be done publicly.

The dream seems to be announcing a ministry shift.  And in terms of what I heard upon waking; I had a choice to accept it or decline the mission.  I have chosen to accept it.  What have I got to lose?  With the scriptures that the Lord gave me, Deuteronomy 32:2 and Deuteronomy 32:10, perhaps this is God’s teaching assignment.  In other words, He will teach us…whoever reads this adventure.

We continue on with last week’s post, analyzing the dream.  Upon waking from the dream, I heard “Job Assignment Time” and I was given confirmations, in addition, homework after the dream.  All of this revolves around the country of Saudi Arabia and believe me, I have had no interest in that country.  As such, it must be the Lord driving this endeavor. 

So, let’s look at the confirmations of what I think this dream means.  I heard the song, “It’s a Small World” from the Disneyland ride!  This song symbolizes to me that the world via prayer is small…one can live in San Diego and pray for a destination 8000 miles away.  Truly, a small world.  

The homework I was given was to watch ‘Lawrence of Arabia’.  Silly me, I wondered if white horses would appear in the movie.  They did!   I remembered that Arabia is known for their beautiful horses, the Arabians.  As a matter of fact, myths are told about Arabian horses that give them near-divine characteristics.  Of course, you remember my obsession over the white horse?  The White Mare.  In the movie, they refer to the white horse as something ‘honorable’. 

A brief overview of the movie which is a true story: During the First World War, Lawrence was a British Army lieutenant.  The film depicts Lawrence's experiences in the Arabian Peninsula during that war, in particular his attacks on Aqaba and Damascus and his involvement in the Arab National Council. Lawrence of Arabia (film) - Wikipedia.

Through his tenure, Lawrence meets General Allenby who urges him to support the deliverance of Jerusalem.  In addition, there is a scene where Lawrence is speaking with Prince Faisal (from Arabia) who proclaims, “We need a miracle!”  What did they need a miracle from from?  

The Ottoman Empire, the Turks were controlling much of that part of the world, including the land God has given to the Jewish people and the then, future state of Israel.  Jerusalem was under Ottoman control during the time of the war (1914–1918).  The Arabs saw Lawrence as a type of a military savior, and he became a hero for his conquests.  Perhaps the Lord wanted me to watch the movie to emphasize that this part of the world still needs a Savior.

By the way, the day I posted the dream on June 12th was the same day the movie 'Lawrence of Arabia' was featured on my movie channel...amazing how God confirms!

7/3/24 Doing Homework ~ The Tents of Kedar

Understanding what a biblical people or nation is called in current times is essential to finding what the Lord is saying when you receive a word of knowledge or scripture as an intercessor.  In addition, the Lord uses biblical paradigms to explain what is currently going on in the spiritual realm.  The definition of a “paradigm” is a framework for understanding something in the world and it is how God frames a spiritual reality.

Biblical paradigms are how the Lord kept me on track through the years of a long prayer assignment.  A “paradigm” is a framework for understanding current circumstances.

God uses a typical example; pattern of something; or a model in the Bible to explain a spiritual situation.  For instance, God used Jezebel and Ahab in 1 Kings 21 to explain the spiritual state of affairs I dealt with.

God gave me a code word, ‘Kedar’, “The Tents of Kedar”.  This is what I heard in prayer concerning the dream Your Mission if You Choose to Accept It.  The tents of Kedar in biblical times were Arab nations and it is how God is framing the spiritual reality of Saudi Arabia.

“Kedar is named second in each of the two lists of Ishmael’s sons (Gen 25:131 Chron 1:29).  The name occurs ten other times as a designation of an Arabian tribe, the North-Arabian tribe of Kedar.  In constructing a genealogy of Mohammed, the Islamic hagiographers traced his descent from Abraham and Ishmael through Kedar.  Kedarites were on the eastern border of Egypt.  Kedar - Encyclopedia of The Bible.

Before Ishmael was born God said of the descendants of Kedar, He will be a wild man, his hand will be against every man and every man's hand against him, and he shall dwell in the presence of his brethren. Gen 16:12. The description still fits the Arab nations.

Something else I discovered: Kedar comes from a Hebrew word that means “swarthy”. While many people believe that the Bible makes no reference to race, this is one of the few instances in which race is mentioned.  Swarthy means dark skinned.   Kedar was “dark skinned”, and lived on the Arabian Peninsula.” Kedar: Abraham’s “Dark Skinned” Grandson – Black History In The Bible.

And why is this important about Kedar?  Because the dream I had included women with dark hands in an army vehicle.  “I was viewing a road on an army base.  I observed an army jeep with two women in it, they were dressed in army fatigues.  I saw their hands and they were black hands.  The women were in God’s army, leaving the base to go to their destination (Saudi Arabia) when I saw them again. But why were their hands black?  Their hands were black because they would ‘hand’ me an assignment that was unknown, hidden, shrouded.  In the ‘dark’ until further revealed.

In addition, the black hands indicate they are those of Kedar descent who are in Gods army!  I am dark, but lovely, O daughters of Jerusalem, like the tents of Kedar, like the curtains of Solomon.  Song of Solomon 1:5.

After a few months of praying for direction about Saudi Arabia, the Lord finally gave me scripture.  I now have prayer direction.  Let the desert and its towns raise their voices.  Let those who live in the settlements of Kedar be glad.  Let the people of Sela (see below) sing for joy.  Let them shout from the tops of the mountains. Isaiah 42:11.  A song of praise to the Lord!

“Sela, rock, the capital of Edom, situated in the great valley extending from the Dead Sea to the Red Sea ( 2 Kings 14:7 ). It was near Mount Hor, close by the desert of Zin. It is called "the rock", Arabia. 

In Isaiah 42:11, which begins with a description of our Lord's work in judging the nations, those of Kedar are named as giving praise "let the cities thereof lift up their voice; the villages that Kedar shall inhabit".  This prophecy looks forward to a future day when those in such areas as Kedar will join in praise to God. Regardless of their history, people of every tribe, tongue, people, and nation will be included in the Body of Christ (Revelation 4:9–10).

All the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered together to You, the rams of Nebaioth shall minister to You; they shall ascend with acceptance on My altar, and I will glorify the house of My glory. Isaiah 60:7.

“Nebaioth is mentioned at least five times in the Hebrew Bible, according to which he was the firstborn son of Ishmael, and the name appears as the name of one of the wilderness tribes mentioned in the Book of Genesis 25:13, and in the Book of Isaiah 60:7, Nebaioth is mentioned along with his brother Kedar.” Nebaioth - Wikipedia

So, I am taking the clue that God gave me concerning my prayer assignment and running with it!  I am also praying the scripture God gave back to Him for Kedar.  As I do, the Lord will open up a broader vision.