Revelation Gifts ~ Discerning of Spirits ~ Either Black or White
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You have heard it said that something is either black or white; good or evil. Well, that is the Gift of Discerning of Spirits in a nutshell. This gift is decisive…there is no grey area which would indicate lukewarm, neither cold nor hot.
Hence, the colors assigned to this gift are black (evil) and white (righteous). Interesting, white is a combination of all colors (as a rainbow is); while black is the absence of color (void, empty). Recall, God dwells in Light and rainbows are throughout Heaven. See, Revelation 10:1–7 and Revelation 4:2-3.
What is the gift titled Discerning of Spirits? The Discerning of Spirits gives a supernatural ability to see or hear into the spirit world. To understand whether a spirit is divine, satanic or human; to perceive the Holy Spirit; and to reveal if the power is good or evil which is influencing a type of behavior.
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12).
A helpful explanation comes from a website called “Truth or Tradition: “The manifestation of discerning of spirits is God or the Lord Jesus Christ revealing to you information about the presence or non-presence of spirits (including both angels or demons), and sometimes including the identity of demons present, whether or not you may cast them out, and providing the power to do it.
Discerning of spirits is a manifestation of the gift of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:10). Some people are by nature very perceptive and discerning, but that is not the manifestation of discerning of spirits. It is not a natural ability. The manifestation of discerning of spirits involves information and power that flows from God or the Lord Jesus to the believer via the gift of Holy Spirit in that believer. No matter how naturally perceptive a person is, he will not be able to accurately discern the presence of a demon and will certainly not be able to cast it out. It takes the revelation and power of God to do that.”
Do not judge according to appearance but judge with righteous judgment. Stop judging only by what you see, judge in the right way. Look beneath the surface then you can judge correctly. (John 7:24).
Why is this gift used by the Lord? The gift is used by the Lord to enable us to avoid deception. It is responsible for distinguishing between angels and demons; the truth of the Word and/or the deceptive doctrines propagated by demons. From Truth or Tradition:
“There are many ‘spirits’ in this world, including angels, evil spirits, and the gift of Holy Spirit within Christians. Via the manifestation of discerning of spirits, God or the Lord Jesus is able to inform the Christian if a person is saved, unsaved, or under the influence of a demon. Because of the spiritual battle that rages around all of us, the most common aspect of discerning of spirits is dealing with the demonic forces of this world.”
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 John 4:1).
How is this gift used by the Lord? I have experienced this gift operate through visions, dreams, a Word of Knowledge or a ‘knowing’ in my spirit. With that said, in general, the Holy Spirit and knowing God’s Word will alert us when something or someone doesn’t line up. Not only is this gift used as a personal alert system; it is also used for Kingdom work within the Body of Christ.
An Example of Discerning of Spirits in practice. I will illustrate the gift with two different stories: the revelation of angels and the uncovering of a diabolical spirit.
I remember a vision I had during a prayer session with two pastors where I saw huge angels as tall as their building’s first story that were stationed on either side of their front door. The angels had enormous gray wings and flaming swords crossed over the door. I told them of the vision, and they confirmed two other people had the same experience. It was a great comfort to this couple who had recently moved into the building which was converted from a meat market!
The second story takes up almost one hundred pages in my book. But it is a good example of a sinister spirit revealed for the purpose of intercession and deliverance. At my old church, the head pastor approached me to ask God what was going on in the spirit realm within the women’s ministry. He knew I heard God’s voice in prayer as he had received letters and the Lord’s words from me before. I accepted the call.
Within two days of me asking, the Lord spoke. From my prayer journal: “This is a picture of the women’s ministry. You have asked Me to show you what is transpiring and this is a picture of the turmoil…My child, your pastor is divided between this. He knows of the turmoil (as he shared his concern with you the other night) and yet there is a deeper darker underlying spirit involved. It is the spirit of jezebel. The enemy has and is using his wiles on the women of the church. They have been left unguarded and yet, they are not without a Fighter, a Warrior of their souls, it is I Christ Jesus, Maker of heaven and earth.”
Without revelation through the Gift of Discerning of Spirits, I would have never known what was happening in the spirit realm. The Lord unmasked the diabolical source for the purpose of extracting it from His church. And the angels were seen to encourage the pastors of God’s protection. I was blessed to see in both cases.