Red Wallet Dream

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To go along with the posting on receiving a ‘calling’ from God.  I thought it appropriate to lay some groundwork as an example.  I knew early after my rededication to the Lord that He was calling me into some sort of ministry work.  It took twenty years of working through corporate America before my time came.

During those years, my ministry ground was my workplace and my former church (via the intercession assignment).  As the intercession job ended, I kept having dreams of my workplace job ending, too.

Before the appointed time arrived, I had a couple of dreams about colleagues losing their jobs and my boss retiring, which came to pass right before I had the dream below. 

In the dream, I was facing a toilet and I flushed my red wallet (which I carried in my purse in real life) down the toilet.  I then flushed it again!  What?  I flushed my wallet down the toilet not once, but twice.  I stuck my hand in the toilet the first time to try retrieving the wallet and pulled out part of a check; I stuck my hand in a second time and got some poo on my hand. 

I was frantic to find out if the toilet was on a septic system or a sewer system.  I knew I could have a septic system pumped to get my wallet back but if it were a sewer than my wallet was gone forever.  I asked the attendant and he said ‘sewer.’ I was distraught.  All my credit cards, driver’s license, etc. were gone (my identity and my ability to make money) flushed away.

It’s funny how God insults us to get our attention so that we will dig deeper for the meaning of what He is saying to us.  After waking and praying about the dream of which I was offended, thinking I was in sin or had lost something of myself, I got a scripture address.  Matthew 6:24 ’No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.’

Next to this address in my Bible was a reference to 2010 when I left my then corporate job for a parttime consulting endeavor.  Now the dream made sense: the first flush of my wallet was me leaving the job in 2010; the second flush was me giving up my then current job. 

I put my hand in the toilet once and pulled out a partial check (my part-time consulting job) but the second time I put my hand in, I pulled out poo (a reference to the ugliness of the world and a warning that God would not bless me going back to work for money). 

It was very hard to give my notice and let go of that job.  I loved the freedom and creativity I expressed in the consulting job.  But I wanted to be obedient to God to let it go and move on with Him.  I was so excited that the ministry that I knew I was called to was beginning, though I had no real vision of what that was.  I only knew I was to “Prepare the way of the Lord” via a hard ministry (confirmed by others), but no template for the future.

“A prophet’s commission is usually not made public until after it is accomplished. Sometimes even the prophet does not know, until in retrospect it is revealed to him what the Lord has accomplished through him. Thus, he often cannot explain to people why he does what he does.” Sandford, John; Paula Sandford. The Elijah Task.

It was after I left the workplace for good that within a few months that I experienced the miracle garden.  Here is the link to that story: Power Gifts ~ The Working of Miracles ~ Sun Beams from Above – Believe Miracles Are for Today (  Perhaps His reward for me being obedient and an experience to look back on when I was thrust into my difficult calling.