Ministry Offices ~ The Helping Hand ~ Gov't/Admin.

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Continuing on with the callings on the Helping Hand of God, the Office of Government aka Administration is our topic today.  The gift of Government takes on a leadership type role.  People with this calling serve behind the scenes supporting the needs of the ministry.   This necessary office is important to keep the Body headed in God’s direction.  They are the Keepers of the Master’s house.

This calling is decisive; skilled in organizing and accomplishing goals.  They have foresight into problems that might arise.  Administration is a “team gift” because it thrives when called upon to organize people to accomplish a goal.  God gives this spiritual calling to help organize those with other gifts and keep the church functioning at its most efficient best.  They ‘make things happen’!  This ministry can be used with or without being in a position of leadership.


God orders our world.  So, naturally He would order the church in a fashion to suit His purposes.  Order in His church is His command.   Since God created an orderly universe, everything from the specific placement of the galaxies, planets, and stars, to the passage of time from day to night, and the changing seasons all things have an orderly design. 

For "He upholds the universe by the word of His power" (Hebrews 1:3).

…And the government will be upon His shoulder.  And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  (Isaiah 9:6).

From What is the spiritual gift of administration? |

“When volunteers are needed to organize an event, administrators are often at the head of the line. A church leadership team needs at least one person with the gift of administration to organize people and programs. Without that leadership, great ideas can dissolve into chaos. Often, pastoral teams consist of one administrator and others with the gifts of mercy and shepherding. If those leaders are wise, they respect the way the others are gifted and allow the Lord to balance those gifts for optimal service. A wonderful, merciful pastor may be very disorganized in his own life and needs someone with the gift of administration to handle the business affairs of the church while he tends to the emotional and spiritual needs of his flock.

Administrators are also excellent delegators. They seem to sense who would handle a project well and don’t mind calling people and recruiting volunteers for projects they believe in. Depending on their personalities or leadership styles, administrators tend to gravitate toward either people or programs. Extroverted administrators thrive when working with people. They appoint leadership teams, organize volunteers, and recruit those who need a little nudge to get involved. Introverted administrators may feel more comfortable behind the scenes, planning events and organizing calendars that benefit the whole church. They are more project-oriented while extroverted administrators are more relational.

Many pastors of megachurches have the gift of administration. Their ability to lead and inspire others to lead is one reason their churches grew so large. However, a danger for pastors with this gift is that it is easy for them to slip into a competitive mindset when they see exploding church numbers. Those with the gift of administration must never forget that the church is not a for-profit business. It is a ministry that must operate through the power of the Holy Spirit to accomplish what God wants. Administrators may be prone to adopting business strategies that they see working in other arenas. They may appear successful while actually operating in the flesh.”

So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God.  (Romans 8:8).

In my next post, Ministry Offices ~ At A Glance, I will tie all the offices together so you can see how they work in creating the grip of God for the glory of His name.