Marching Orders
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Standing in the gap for your family, for your friends, for your church, for your city, or your nation, can change the course of history. Be that intercessor. To intercede for others that need the mercies of God, somebody must step up. If you want to stand in the gap you have to get closer to God, He is looking for just one intercessor. “So, I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one” Ezekiel 22:30.
“Intercession is selfless prayer. An intercessor is someone who stands in the gap, between God and others. An intercessor dares to go before a mighty God and contend for those around them. An intercessor prays for others selflessly, lifting the needs of others into the throne room of heaven.
What our churches need in this day are more intercessors. We have plenty of people willing to do work before man, but few that are willing to do work before the Lord. Kneeling in intercessory prayer is the higher ministry.” The Heart of an Intercessor – He Has You.
Man has an ingrained desire to work with his hands and create the works of his hands. How many of you can say that your work will be on an invisible pallet, an invisible canvas? That is what intercessory prayer is. We create in the invisible realm. If you are an intercessor, you are an artist for God in His spiritual kingdom painting with the Master...what an honor!
It has been my experience that when the Lord assigns a job of intercession that He provides marching orders for the assignment. That is the way it was with my previous intercession assignment of 10 years however, the current dream Your Mission if You Choose to Accept It indicates that the instructions are there but will only be opened on a need-to-know basis or at a future time, as prophetic events unfold.
Recall my dream: The women (army angels) stood next to me and clothed me for the job. Then, they walked me to a vehicle while reassuring me. I said “Please don’t leave me alone. I don’t know what I’m doing. All I have are the clothes that you’ve given me.” A key was in my hand to unlock the vehicle door. I unlocked the back passenger door (driver’s side) while the two angels looked on. In the vehicle I found a large backpack. I opened the backpack to find a thick manila envelope that contained all the instructions I needed for the assignment. I didn’t open the envelope.
The backpack being in the back of the car, suggests it is stored for future use. In other words, when the Lord decides to reveal more instruction of what the job entails. I still have unanswered questions. What was my assignment? I didn’t know where I was headed or what I was going to do. I only had the clothes on my back and the vehicle with the backpack with the envelope. Isn’t that just like God to keep us in suspense!
He found him in a desert land and in the wasteland, a howling wilderness; He encircled him, He instructed him, He kept him as the apple of His eye. Duet. 32:10.
In my previous assignment, within two days of me asking God what was happening, the Lord spoke. “I will show you how to pray, how to intercede, and as you do, take notes and share these with your pastor. Prepare for war, a holy war, a war in the Spirit of great proportions. Yet all My enemies shall flee before Me as I cut to the quick with the sword of My mouth. Prepare in the Spirit; pray for discernment. Your first Goliath is Jezebel. I will show you how to prepare and how to invade. My game plan, the battle plan is already drawn up. Start sharpening your sword.”
“Any army needs a battle plan, cohesion and direction. God wants to inform His spiritual army of its battle orders. Intercessory prayer is a function of prophets and prophets are essential to the work of end time intercession. Not only are prophets themselves to intercede, but the Body of Christ needs to know the specifics of when and what to pray about. The Lord’s prophets are to hear our General (the Holy Spirit) and send His directions to all His officers and troops.” Sandford, John Loren. Elijah Among Us.
I think one of the most important things about a prayer obligation is to pray only what God wants. Also, to pray my own emotions or feelings would be wrong and possibly detrimental to God’s work and to His intercession target. Pray the scriptures the Lord provides for the subject.
This seems to be a slow revealing of the current job. Perhaps, as events unfold in the target country, God will give more direction. In my previous assignment, the directions came quickly. Such as, God swore me to secrecy (with the exception of my prayer partner and a pastor). The Lord would allow only a select few to know limited details as to what He was revealing to me. In contrast, He has made it clear that this endeavor must be done in public display.
By your patience possess your souls. Luke 21:19.
SING AND PRAY WITH ME: Hosanna - Hillsong Worship - With Lyrics (
Lord: Heal my heart and make it clean; 0pen up my eyes to the things unseen. Show me how to love like you have loved me. Break my heart for what is Yours; everything I am for Your kingdom's cause as I walk from earth into eternity. AMEN.