Just As Night Follows Day

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May 16, 2021

In 2007, I was enlisted by the Lord into His army of intercessors to pray in the great end-time revival.  It is interesting that fourteen years later, God has requested I proclaim what He said all those years ago.  I also find it intriguing that the number fourteen means ‘double or duplicate’…could He be ready to pour out the double portion of His Spirit on us that have been hounding His throne for that which we see coming? 

In obedience, I proclaim what God had said in 2007:

“Hear the word of the Lord, daughter.  I have not spoken in secret nor did I speak lies to your listening ears, and I have spoken not amiss.  I have spoken of things on the horizon, things that are soon to come to pass and you will look upon them with amazement; yes, amazement and awe.

Stand and see the good hand of the Lord act on your behalf and on behalf of the remnant that cry before Me day and night.  Just as night follows day, this is surely to happen.  You have said, ‘How long, O God do we have to wait?’ I say to you that your waiting is almost complete; yes, soon it is to break over your banks; this rushing river of joy, to quench the thirst of My righteous; to be a revival rain renowned in all the earth.”

To confirm the Lord’s word to me, three years later in 2010 He spoke again.  “It is surely coming as I have said, just as night follows day; I am on My way to fulfill all My words I have spoken.  Grace and peace to all who believe the spoken words of the Lord, for you shall be refreshed first.”

Recently, I read a devotional called Every Day Light and amazingly, God’s same words were found on the day I started this website.  From page 323: “Revival is just that-God flooding a locality or a community of His people, stirring up the complacent…It has happened at various times in various places throughout history, and as sure as night follows day it will happen again.”