Jesus Coming In The Clouds

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June 16, 2021

A few months after the Oil in The Closet miracle, I had a dream.  Oil in the Closet Miracle – Believe Miracles Are for Today (

It is the only dream I have had where Jesus appeared as Himself (in other dreams, He has appeared symbolically [i.e., my daddy, a Landowner, or a President]). 

In the dream, I was at our dining table, and I saw the white clouds of heaven open. I saw angels and then Jesus. He was descending, but before He would get down to earth, the angels were coming before Him. I began shouting “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!  I see Jesus ~ He is coming!”  I was then setting a dining table for Him and the angels to eat with us.  I feared I  didn’t have the appropriate table settings for the King.

A simple but powerful dream.  The white clouds indicate good change, glory and revival.  To see a table in one’s dream is a symbol for communion, fellowship and divine food.  Though the dream was 11 years ago, I am still gripping His promise.  Join me in praying this promise to fruition.  

“…And all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.”  (Isaiah 52:10).

“And all flesh shall see the salvation of God.”  (Luke 3:6).