God’s Whispers in the Night ~ A Dream Laboratory

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The morning I posted Promise Mountain (7/5/23), I received a text from my sister Wendy.  She had a dream of me that same morning.  Wendy is the one voice that I recognize as speaking truth and God’s plan for my life.  This red-haired wonder has guided me like the Spirit’s voice behind me since 2015.  She is also a budding prophetic dreamer. 

The prophet who has a dream, let him tell a dream; And he who has My word, let him speak My word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat?” says the LORD.  Jeremiah 23:28.

As believers we know that God whispers in the night and in the early morning hours to get our attention.  But are we listening?  Are our ears tuned to His heavenly voice during the waking of our minds to this world again from sleep? 

Wendy’s simple dream has multiple meanings that the Lord has unveiled over the past months.  It is a good prophetic example for many reasons that I will investigate.  I’m going to take some time on the subject of dreams while using my sister’s dream as an experiment.  In other words, a dream laboratory! 

I know there are some in Christendom who poo-poo dreams as ‘pizza’ dreams, but God is serious about the visions we see on our beds.  So, I do not agree with the naysayers about dreams.  We are not called to seek after dreams, but we are to discern them. 

Dreams are windows into our souls and the spirit realm.  Attention and prayer should be our focus when we dream.  Dreams from the Lord are gifts.  But not all dreams have a heavenly origin.  More on that at a later date.

God’s dreams for us are bigger than our own.  Listen to how Job describes dreams: “For God may speak in one way, or in another, yet man does not perceive it.  In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction.”  (Job 33:14-16).

I am curious if Jesus made reference to dreams when He said: “What I tell you in the dark (in the night or sleeping?), speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs.”  Matthew 10:27. I don’t know about you, but it sounds like whispers in the night to me aka dreams.

Here is how the Lord explained dreams to me:

“A dream enables Me to bypass the ideals or perceptions that My servant has set up in their mind. I bypass all the norms. I can show the enemy’s plans and a person’s heart or the future without mindful interference. Those things that I show you via dreams would be hard-pressed to comprehend without the symbolism. It is like a package to be unwrapped, and you then find the gift (meaning) upon the opening.

I also use dreams to prod My people to ponder or seek Me more deeply. If I tell you all without allowing you to seek or to ask or to ponder, then you may not learn the deep things I hide in your dreams. Most times, you hear Me, but there is a lack of emotional attachment to what you hear. In a dream, I can attach your emotions to what I am saying and give birth to greater passion for My purpose. Things you would not grasp, I communicate in a dream.”

Since I will use Wendy’s dream as our lab project, please read “Dancing in the Dark ~ I Have a Big Dream to Report!” as homework.  It can be found under: Dancing in the Dark ~ I Have a Big Dream to Report!

I am praying God will send a dream your way too to use as an example in this experiment of understanding His dark speech.  Help me to pray the Lord of our dreams unwraps the meaning to expose all the things we could not otherwise grasp!