Examples ~ The Helping Hand ~ Gov't/Admin.

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I found these examples of individuals called into the Office of Govt/Administration helpful because they represent those willing to fulfill their callings without being in a position of leadership.  God bless them for doing the work of the Lord without the fanfare!

“Servant #1:  This person came alongside of his pastor who was not administratively inclined in a way that made the pastor look more efficient.  He coordinated tasks behind-the-scenes, reminding the pastor of the various details that needed attention.  He was not on staff, nor had any kind of title for what he did.

Servant #2:  This person took on a volunteer position as the Director of VBS in her church.  She planned, recruited, and coordinated all the various facets of Vacation Bible School.  During VBS you wouldn’t have even known she was at the helm as she continued to work behind-the-scenes making sure everything went smoothly … and it did.

Servant #3:  This person, me, worked full-time in a church as a Director of Christian Education. Prior to working for the church, I revamped their children’s ministry, investing many hours into planning strategies to implement a more discipleship-oriented ministry.  I was not their Children’s Director, simply someone who volunteered time to get it off the ground and delegated responsibilities to others.  Now, as Director of Ministry Tools Resource Center, I continue to find myself planning, organizing, and coordinating efforts to efficiently use the resources and means God has given the ministry to help equip others.

All of these servants have the spiritual gift of administration, but they are not all in leadership “positions” or roles.  They would not all be labeled as administrators but nonetheless do administrative work.

Lesson to be learned:  Let’s be careful we do not pigeon-hole the use of spiritual gifts into positions.  A spiritual gift can be used in a paid or volunteer position, full or part-time.  A spiritual gift can be used by someone with or without a title, in a recognized ministry position or not.”  Amen!

I Know Some Servants with Spiritual Gift of Administration (mintools.com)