Doubting His Voice…The Answer (IX)
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Have I doubted the voice of God? Oh, yes! I wish I could say that I am a beacon of faith in hearing the Lord’s answers, but I have so far to go. And though I have practiced listening to the Lord for over twenty-five years, I still need confirmations at times.
I can say truthfully that I don’t sweat the small stuff in hearing His answers, but it’s the long term, drawn out (in my mind) big stiff I am waiting for. You all know what I’m referring to here. My physical healing and the end-time revival of His Spirit being poured out. That’s the end game; the complete fulfillment to what He has spoken to me of for over a decade.
But my waiting for the completion of God’s promises is somewhat different than an answer that has already been sent and received. One can doubt an answer to prayer for many reasons. I will give an example of two such events.
The first example is a dog story. A friend came to me for advice about a dog her family adopted. She told me that they had prayed for a while for the right dog to be brought to them. She told me that they did adopt a dog, but she doubted it was God’s choice. Why you might ask? Because the adopted pup was a pit bull, and she was thinking of sending it back.
My friend was concerned she jumped ahead of God and adopted a breed that she was afraid of. Once I prayed about her situation, I sensed the Lord saying that if she had prayed diligently for a new dog then, this was the dog He wanted her to have. I also admonished her that when sent a definitive answer (in the form of the pup) and refusing to see it, she was rejecting His best and perfect will for her situation. I’m thankful to say that she kept the dog.
The other story has to do with the miracle of rain the Lord gave me a couple of years ago. If you don’t recall the story, here is a shortened version.
Miracle of Rain – Believe Miracles Are for Today (
The Lord confirmed my healing to come with a miraculous event. I spoke to Jesus about my desire for physical restoration. I told Him that I know He speaks to us in parables and dreams which include symbolic language. So, with that said, I asked God if I misunderstood that my healing is coming. A real physical healing on this earth (not just in heaven) in this body and not anything symbolic. I must admit I was expecting the same verses I have always received on this subject.
But to my surprise, the Lord gave me the scripture address of Isaiah 7:11: “Ask a sign for yourself from the Lord your God [one that will convince you that God has spoken and will keep His word]; make your request as deep as Sheol or as high as heaven.” “Ok, Lord” I said, “I ask for another rainbow cross on my rug near my bed or rain.” Mind you, I gave God a choice because I thought a cross would be easier to produce than rain (me doubting He would send rain) in September in San Diego.
The next morning, I reminded Him I was waiting. I kept checking my rug for a rainbow cross, but no sign was given that morning (it was a sunny morning). Then at 2 p.m., I took a nap. I was awoken at exactly 3 p.m. to thunder, lightning and rain, heavy rain! God gave me my sign that He literally is going to heal me on this earth.
I was cautioned a few days later what happens if we are given a notable sign (or answer) and we disbelieve. “Then He said to them, ‘Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and to you who hear, more will be given.’” (Mark 4:24).
I was also reminded of Zacharias who became mute because he did not believe the angel Gabriel regarding his wife’s future pregnancy. And Zacharias said to the angel, “How shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is well advanced in years.” And the angel answered and said to him, “I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God, and was sent to speak to you and bring you these glad tidings. But behold, you will be mute and not able to speak until the day these things take place, because you did not believe my words which will be fulfilled in their own time.” (Luke 1:18-19).
The bible is our blueprint and guide for this life on earth. We are to live by every word God speaks according to our Savior: But He answered and said, it is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ (Matthew 4:4).
I have chosen to believe that when I pray seeking His will for a situation and an answer comes; I must believe it is from Him. I don’t want to be as a doubting Thomas. I want to be as Mary the mother of Jesus who chose to believe that the angel who spoke to her spoke truth in Luke 1:34-38. I love Mary’s words: “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.
I found this explanation helpful: “Faith, by definition, takes risk. But, when we view God through our doubt and demand something of Him as a way of determining whether or not He can be trusted, we’re in danger of testing God (see Mark 8:11–12).”
Here is where faith comes in. If I am diligent to pray then, I must trust the answer that God reveals as His will. If I doubt, I can ask for confirmation and if the Lord is gracious enough to give it consider the matter complete. However, once I keep asking, I could be in danger of testing the Lord. He sees my heart and if I’m true to heart, He will be faithful to answer and dissuade any doubts that I have. When the answer comes, believe Him, thank Him and obey Him.
I find Psalm 77 reassuring during times of doubt because it reminds me to reminisce about His previous answers and miracles. The easiest way to do this is to review our journal of conversations and answered prayers with the Lord. He can use that journal to give us faith to continue on.
Then I thought, “To this I will appeal: the years when the Most High stretched out His right hand. I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember Your miracles of long ago. I will consider all Your works and meditate on all Your mighty deeds.” Your ways, God, are holy. What god is as great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles; You display Your power among the peoples. (Psalm 77:10-14).
PRACTICE POINT: Ask God to remind you of times when He answered your prayers even when you doubted. Or when you doubted that He spoke, but you didn’t believe. Write down these instances for the record in your journal so that you can use them in the future for faith building.
BONUS POINT: Petition the Holy Spirit to give you a verse(s) to help you remember the things God has done for you in the past. Perhaps it’s a verse that you can memorize and pray back to Him when you start your special time with Him daily. Ask, and see what happens!