Dancing in the Dark ~ An Angel
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I have spent months praying about Wendy’s dream, in addition to asking others for their thoughts on it. As with most prophetic dreams, it is important to seek wise Godly counsel when looking for the meaning. With the Holy Spirit being our best Guide, there is also wisdom in the multitude of counselors (Proverbs 15:22).
After Wen sent me her dream in a text, I immediately prayed for guidance. I didn’t want to get too excited. I heard a song play in my head:
It’s a song by Bruce Springsteen titled Dancing in the Dark! So appropriate for the dream and funny how God connects the secular with a message to His children.
I have come to believe there are multiple messages in the dream. Remembering this is a dream given to my sister, there are messages for her, too. So, let’s get started!
In Wendy’s own words: “I was in a room, somewhere, I don’t recall where when a young girl came running to me saying: “Come quick, you need to see this. When I ran to where she was directing me, I saw you in a black sleeveless 50s style dress with red roses and red lips on it. A beautiful dress.
It was nighttime and you were outside my trailer (for some reason I knew I was in a trailer). You were dancing and skipping joyously in a large circle around a campfire. I ran into the trailer to tell my husband, when you came in and said ‘LOOK MY LEGS ARE JUST A LITTLE WOBBLY BUT THEY’LL BE BACK TO NORMAL REAL FAST!’ as you walked without any assistance down the middle of the trailer. That was the end of the dream. Interesting, again I have yet another dream of you healed and walking.”
As I said earlier, Wendy has guided me like the Spirit’s voice behind me announcing God’s plans soon to be fulfilled. It happened with writing my first book (covenantbooks.com); then the second (Believe Miracles Are For Today ~ The Book); again two months before the publisher invited me to start this website (Bethlehem Star Dream).
She was also told in a dream the recission of my deadly diagnosis a month before the doctors pronounced it (A Message to My Beautiful Sister). With all these declarations from the Lord through baby sis, I would be a fool not to trust her ability to hear God. So, I am excited about the implications of this dream.
Let’s get on with building its message. There are notable symbols that I found directive, including the young girl; night time; the black dress with red symbols on it, the campfire and circle. Then, there are the actions of dancing, skipping, running; and hastening a transition. This is going to be fun!
Hint: look for repetitive symbols or actions in your dreams to get fuller context to its meaning.
In the opening scene, a girl albeit, an angel, came running to her…making haste saying: “Come quick, you need to see this.” What do strangers in our dreams who bring glad tidings represent? Angels, of course! Angels direct and instruct us, announce a God happening or an important event to observe. Come, make haste to see what the Lord has done!
Remember, the disguised angel said to Wendy: “Come quick, you need to see this!” I found similar language from the angel who announced the Resurrection. The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen…’ Matthew 28:5-7a.
Also, when John the Baptist’s birth was announced to Zacharias: And the angel answered and said to him, “I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God, and was sent to speak to you and bring you these glad tidings. Luke 1:19.
Interesting to note, I have seen an angel portrayed as a young girl in a dream enlightening me to where animals go when they die, answering my prayer to God concerning my pet, Bahia (When God's Creatures Die). She also directed me where to look in my yard for the answer!
A young girl (if unknown) in a dream can also predict a young ministry (startup) or a youth ministry. In this case, however, she is proclaiming a noteworthy event like an angel would do!
I am just saying to meditate prayerfully on those ‘friendly’ strangers in our dreams. Some might argue that they are parts of our personalities, which could be the case. Then, there are strangers who enter our dreams with evil intent; those are not hard to identify the origins. That’s why prayer and taking note of the strangers’ message is guiding.
Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2.
On the flip side: Therefore, submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. James 4:7.