Chapter 5 ~ The Land of Covenant and Promises
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Living in the land of covenant and promises. How does one live in the land of promises? I have asked myself that question frequently over the years. I have also wondered if all of the promises of God in the bible are really for me or, are they generally for all of us. And does the Holy Spirit give out the promises of God to us for our lives as He sees fit or, are they all for our taking? I wish I had the answers to these questions. Perhaps as this book continues to be written, the Lord will illuminate me with revelation to answer those inquiries.
I ask these things because I have two main promises that I have received from the Lord that I see as unfulfilled. My healing (which I have belabored in previous blog posts) and revival. I am sure you too have unfulfilled promises God has given you.
With that said, revival was the main promise I asked of God in 2007 and documented in my covenant with the Lord that year. I will write more about covenants in future posts. But in a nutshell, 2007 was the year I was enlisted by Him to pray for revival. And that was my request of God that year; I am still waiting for Him to fulfill the request I made of Him. One of the verses for the 2007 Covenant was Luke 2:19: “But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.”
I admit, I doubt and lack trust. I surmise if the Lord would have never spoken to me then I wouldn’t have such deep disappointment at times. Such sorrow for unfulfilled promises. If He had not spoken to me, then I would have never known how He wants things to be. My sorrow overtakes me in those dark moments such as I don’t want to continue believing that God will act. For the depths of my sorrows are rooted in the high hopes of His promises (I am sure some of you feel the same way). He has caused me to hope in His words. Does the Lord make me restless so He can fulfill what He has spoken and I will receive it with joy? Or is it just my sinful heart not trusting?
Jesus’s answer to me came in the form of a devotional reading of April 22. In Echoes of Eternity by Hal M. Helms, April 22 reads: “…Do not grow weary in the time of waiting. Do not let yourself be confused or confounded by what seems to be unexplained delays. Trust can only grow amid uncertainties. Trust is the strong bond that holds during all storms and crises. Faith lays hold on the promises; trust keeps hold through all the trials. Waiting is part of your training in trust.” Then, my bible fell open to “…Do not be afraid, only believe” Mark 5:36. And written in the margin of my bible and referencing back to my journal of 2010 it read: “BELIEVE MIRACLES ARE FOR TODAY”!
In Chapter Ten of My Sister’s Walk with God, I dedicate the whole chapter to the end-time revival that the Lord has ordained. An excerpt from my prayer journal on the coming promised revival:
“In the latter days there will be revival, a revival of renowned proportion to where all who are called by My name and those who have fallen away will return. The Shepherd is calling, the Lamb that was slain is returning. I alone know their hearts and minds, they belong to Me. In the latter days, there will fall like rain My Spirit on My people and they will be quenched with My power. Power from on High to accomplish My mighty works. The time draws near, be prepared, be alert. The world will dramatically change in your lifetime. I will visit My people in a mighty way. I will come as a whirlwind through My churches. A time of great revival; a time of momentous repentance; a time of great salvation. It is on the horizon, child. As the time draws near for My return, a mighty move of My Spirit will be seen. REVIVAL!!!!”
“Ask the Lord for rain in the time of the latter rain. The Lord will make flashing clouds; He will give them showers of rain, grass in the field for everyone.” Zechariah 10:1
Recall the questions I posed to our Savior about promises… are the promises of God in the bible really for me or, are they generally for all of us? And does the Holy Spirit give out the promises of God to us for our lives as He sees fit, or are they all for our taking? I have been praying for the Lord’s revelation on such. This morning I awoke to a thought that I will record here. What if all of God's promises in the bible (and there are hundreds if not thousands) are for us forever (on earth as it is in heaven) as His word is? Then if so, does that mean that we will experience all of them while we are on this earth?
I believe that all of God’s promises in the bible are for us, however, not all will be received while we are on this earth. The remainder will be fulfilled in heaven. And could it be that those promises that are for us while we are in the flesh, God gives to us through a ‘Rhema’ word, prophetic words, dreams, personal scriptures, and other people? The Lord could also use a multitude of other ways to speak to us as God is infinite in His ways to communicate a message to us.
Perhaps, you may be wondering what a ‘Rhema’ word of God is. This explanation from: http://www.thequickenedword I found helpful: "Rhema is just simply Words that He speaks to us through the many personal ways He speaks outside of the Bible, like for instance hearing His still small voice and the gifts of the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12.”
If those promises God individually gives to us are ours on earth, then the Lord will continue to confirm those promises upon request as He sees fit so that we are convinced He will bring them to pass while we walk this earth. Does that make sense? He strengthens our faith to keep us believing.
It is also important to note here that the Lord’s promises mostly come with conditions. Usually the conditions are obedience (to His commands) and faith. What is the faith to bring about His covenant and/or promises with us? “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1.
“Behold the proud, his soul is not upright in him; but the just shall live by his faith.” Habakkuk 2:4. It is the kind of faith that you feel in your gut, in the deepest part of your soul and spirit. It is basically a trust in the Living God of the universe that He has spoken to you personally. Just believe.
A final thought on this subject. I trust that the promises God will fulfill in our lives are the ones that will bring Him glory according to: “For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.” 2 Corinthians 1:20.