Chapter 3 ~ Pandemic Dreams
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The Wasted Field Dream:
As the pandemic grew worse over the month of March 2020, panic and fear gripped the population, I remembered a dream I had from two years prior in January 2018.
I call the dream The Wasted Field. In the dream, I was talking to my former prayer partner from 1997-98. She was my prayer partner when I started receiving end-time words. She had just purchased a house which looked out over an expansive wide-open field. As I viewed the field, it was dry and arid looking. Languishing. I also noticed the horizon, the skies were stormy, dark and ominous.
I thought her house location was good in order to see things coming from land, air or sea. The scripture address I received upon waking was: Joel 1:10, “The fields are ruined, the ground is dried up; the grain is destroyed, the new wine is dried up, the olive oil fails.”
Let us unpack the meaning of this dream. First, the time of the dream was for the future as I spoke of “seeing things” coming ‘from land, air or sea’. As experience has taught me, people in our dreams are important. And for me, if I haven’t seen the person in years, the person represents that time period in my life when I knew them. Hence, my former prayer partner was with me when I was recording end-time prophecies that I was hearing from the Lord. This fact enabled me to discern the dream was a prophetic dream foretelling a dark time on the horizon.
The field in this dream is the world. In other words, the world was languished, wasted and is in need of rain. The rain of revival!
“Ask the Lord for rain in the time of the latter rain. The Lord will make flashing clouds; He will give them showers of rain, grass in the field for everyone.” Zechariah 10:1.
I said in the dream, ‘from land, air and sea’. Isn’t that what has transpired with the national emergency? The virus has spread over the land (wasted it, demolished our economies), through air (airplanes coming from other countries) and by the sea (cruise ships). Even through this, I believe the Lord can comfort us through a prophetic dream showing us that He knows and controls what is coming.
In a New York Minute...
In the summer of 2020, God brought another dream back to me. It never dawned on me that this dream could be related to what was occurring on the east coast, specifically New York. The meaning was crystalized after I read a prophecy given to Mike Evans from Rev. David Wilkerson circa 1986. From: Mike Evans Says David Wilkerson's Prophecy of a 'Plague Coming to New York' Is Being Fulfilled Before Our Eyes — Charisma News
“Mike Evans Says David Wilkerson's Prophecy of a Plague Coming to New York Is Being Fulfilled Before Our Eyes: ‘I see a plague coming on the world, and the bars and churches and government will shut down. The plague will hit New York City and shake it like it has never been shaken. The plague is going to force prayerless believers into radical prayer and into their Bibles and repentance will be the cry from the man of God in the pulpit. And out of it will come a third Great Awakening that will sweep America and the world.’"
After reading the prophecy, the dream from 2016 wafted through my mind. I call it “In a New York Minute” dream. In the first scene, I found myself in a jewelry store that was closing up shop. The store was shutting down. I had to buy a new watch. I chose a silver watch that was a well-worn silver but not tarnished.
In the second scene, I was with a soldier in a house. I was helping the army soldier find food and supplies as the house was empty. The stock was almost bare. I found it difficult to get the supplies that were needed.
The last scene I was in a large city where I needed to cross a street. I knew I had to cross quickly but I also knew my body couldn’t do it. Then all of a sudden as I crossed the street I was running without hindrance. It was like my legs were normal again; strong and agile. I moved rapidly up and down the other side of the street calling out to my husband. I was so excited that within an instant I was healed and strong. I awoke to: “In a New York Minute Everything Can Change”. This statement is taken from a song by the Eagles. Here is the chorus:
Everything can change
In a New York minute
Things can get pretty strange
In a New York minute
Everything can change
At the time of the dream, I was confused about the first two scenes. But the last scene was what I was joyful about. I interpreted it as my healing would be evident in a split second as the dream portrayed. And especially, the song that I received upon waking was confirmation. A short time later in the day, it was confirmed again by a newscaster on the weather channel quoting the same “In a New York Minute” lyrics!
Here is what I believe it means related to 2020. The first scene denotes a new watch (as in a new intercession job from God); in addition, be watchful. But I also was buying time through intercession. The store was closing as what happened nationally during this emergency. I bought a silver (meaning redemption, wisdom and or knowledge) watch. Not tarnished but an older silver, perhaps wiser. To me it says my watchfulness of the next dream scenes are to be understood with wisdom.
President Trump said that our national stockpiles of emergency medical gear and equipment were depleted. In his own words, “the cupboards were bare”. Hence, the second scene of the dream predicts the national (army soldier symbol) emergency of lacking medical necessities. In addition, there were a few weeks when the media was reporting possible food shortages.
And the last scene was indicative of the situation in New York. Though all states were affected, New York had been hit very hard. I was in a big city, though I didn’t know it was New York until the song played in my head upon waking. I crossed a street meaning changing perspectives. Moving from one place to another. I am hoping this to mean, God will be moving me to a place of my physical healing where I can move without encumbrance. I was running exuberantly exclaiming to my husband to watch me. Could my healing be coming as the pandemic recedes?
Because I believe we are seeing the end-times play out, I recall a prophetic word about the coming of our Lord:
“By faith Enoch was translated so that he did not see death and was not found because God translated him for before his translation, he had this testimony, that he pleased God.” Hebrews 11:5.
“Daughter: I want you to realize the times you are living in. I see the shadows in your mind that think things are impossible yes, even the last days to you seem as a dream. But I say to you, daughter of My heart, just as you read about the end times, so you will see it come to pass with your very eyes. For eye has not yet seen nor ear heard all that I will bring to pass in your lifetime. And did you not know that there will be a generation that will not pass away but they will be translated through death into My glorious kingdom, yet they will not taste death. Death will not touch them nor harm them. To this generation you do belong, yes, to this generation. Now, this is so unbelievable to you however I call for the faith (just as Enoch) to believe this report. You believe this with all your heart and it will be well with you.
The days will grow more perilous for believers as I have spoken before and a great falling away will take place. For no one knows the day or the hour when I will return except My Father. Hence be watchful and do not sin or grieve My Holy Spirit. Be found about My business and My reward will be full for you. There will be those who will not (cannot) believe the reports. They will think just as time has always been, so it will always be. But I have sworn that I will return and My glorious appearing is approaching. Sing, hallelujah, for I will not strive with man forever. Be exceedingly glad.”
“Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition…” vs 13 “But we are bound to give thanks to God always for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God from the beginning chose you for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth.” 2 Thess. 2:3 & 13.
“I have declared the former things from the beginning, they went forth from My mouth and I caused them to hear it. Suddenly I did them, and they came to pass.” Isaiah 48:3-4.
“And He said to me ‘Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is at hand.’” Revelation 22:10.
I found the following paragraph comforting from Prophets-Pitfalls and Principles by Dr. Bill Hamon page 183: “In a similar way, the present-day company of the prophets is signifying the mortal Church Age of mercy and grace is coming to a close and the day of judgment is beginning-a transition that will take place in a single generation, just as the transition did in John’s time.”
“For You have been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shade from the heat; for the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall.” Isaiah 25:4.
In conclusion I say with much joy, the Lord will be a Shelter for His people. Just believe.