Bon Voyage, His Ship Has Sailed (2/24)
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Now, I do my best to keep worldly affairs off of this website as its purpose is for the glory of God. However, the Lord gave me a predictive dream on December 9, 2023. I will share it in light of what is transpiring in the Presidential Office.
In the dream, I was on a ship where we had to transverse the water in a certain way so as not to get stuck. In other words, so the rudder didn’t get stuck in shallow of water.
I was in the presence of the former President, but he wasn’t the focal point. I stood in front of a man who had his head down and I was very close to him. I looked up and he looked up. I was shocked because it was President Biden. Even though I was taken back, I thanked him for the office he held. It was a farewell thank you.
While talking, he asked if I have met his vice president, or if I know the vice president. I said, "I did." Upon waking I didn’t remember the dream until the Lord brought it back to me, and I heard “Bon Voyage, his Ship Has Sailed.”
I remembered the prophetic warning Red Sky at Morning, Sailors Take Warning ~ A Prophetic Warning post. Also, the Lord reminded me that before my father-in-law, Jaime passed on he dreamed. He was on a cruise ship, and the Porter said to him to get his luggage together, because he will be departing soon. He died the next day.
I received two scriptures for the dream. Scripture address: Isaiah 26:2 Open the gates, that the righteous nation which keeps the truth, may enter in.
2 Chronicles 36:15: And the Lord God of their father, sent warnings to them by his messengers, rising up early and sending them because he had compassion on his people and on his dwelling place.
I remind you of a dream regarding the same man on 10/10/21. At the end of that dream the current President headed to a “Rest room”: These Boots Are Made For Walking. In 2021, I wrote: “Needless to say, we have entered into a time of national judgment and there will be more to come during this President’s tenure. We have already seen under him a continuance and flare-up of the pandemic, a military defeat (Afghanistan), natural disasters (Ida-affecting the gulf and east coasts), etc.”
I will let you draw your own conclusions.