Blows from the West

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As I said in the last post, I am spurred on to write about the winds of Heaven because God brought up the subject via a television program.   Read the original announcement: Ask the Lord for the Rain. It was a Sunday evening, and I turned on Newsmax for the news.  Instead, I was treated to an episode of Sid Roth’s “It's Supernatural.”  I have never watched the show, though I have heard about it.  This night, I watched. Newsmax 1-Hour Special - Sid Roth – It’s Supernatural! |

Sid featured a prophetic man of God by the name of Torrey Marcel Harper (Reveal Company).  Sid’s opening introduction of his guest:

Sid Roth: “Hello. Welcome to my world, where it's naturally supernatural. My guest started moving in the glory of God at age seven.  By 12, he started hosting meetings that were filled with the thick, visible, manifest presence of God. Now, God has shown him exactly what this next greatest and last move of God on planet Earth is going to look like. It's different than anyone thinks.

At the 2023 Asbury revival currently known as the preview of the main event, God gave Torrey an open vision of this main event known as The Greater Glory Revival.  Torrey, you were worshiping at the Asbury Revival. What did you see?

This is where my mouth dropped open at 36:19-24 (time on video), Torrey recalls a vision of America.  What caught my attention were the graphics on the video.  The wind of the Holy Spirit blowing from the west coast, eastward!  The wind of Heaven prophesied moving across the country from the west coast to the east coast.

Torrey Marcel Harper: “So, I was preparing to come here and minister here at the show. And as I'm sitting in my hotel room, I began to see the wind of God blow into my hotel room, and it nearly swept me off of the bed.  I slipped into an open vision and all of a sudden, I saw the map of America and I saw the wind of God blow from the west coast to the east coast.  I heard the Lord say these words, "We are in the days of Seymour, William Seymour and his sons." And he says, "I'm going to begin to release another wave of an Azuza (great revival in California) outpouring greater than what we saw back then, but it's going to fall on the next generation."

I have said before, “Those revival showers come right out of the west. Jesus said, “When ye see a cloud rise out of the west, straightway ye say, ‘There cometh a shower; and so, it is’. Luke 12:54b. Milligan, Ira L., The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Dreams You Dream (p. 125).” 

If you recall the dream from last year, Ask the Lord for the Rain, I was driving on a highway westward through rain.  A quote from that dream: “Going west…can stand for ‘the cross.  Revival comes by way of the cross; therefore, west can signify ‘revival’.”  The dream was the Lord’s voice driving me through the on-ramp up to God’s highway, headed westward toward revival and possession of the land He has promised. “And west not only symbolizes revival, but also the end of a day…sunset…we live in the “West” as in America and me, California.  Revival could come out of the west.  California, USA!”

The Lord showed me this verse in Deuteronomy 11:30-31: As you know, these mountains are across the Jordan, westward, toward the setting sun, near the great trees of Moreh, in the territory of those Canaanites…You are about to cross the Jordan to enter and take possession of the land the Lord your God is giving you.

Sid Roth: “And now William Seymour was the one that started the great revival in California and that's who you had a vision of?”

Torrey Marcel Harper: “Yes, sir. Yes, sir!  In addition, another wave of an Azusa Street Revival but greater than what we saw that day.  The Greater Glory Revival coming.”

Torrey has confirmed what I have heard from the Lord concerning the end-time revival.  In Blows from the West ~ Part 2, we explore more of what Torrey said on the program and how it lines up with what the Lord said sixteen years ago: “I do not want My people stuck looking for a move of My Spirit that has come and gone.  But only to look to Me and My Spirit…the manifestations go before; the manifestations point to Me”

As you do not know what is the way of the wind, or how the bones grow in the womb of her who is with child, So, you do not know the works of God who makes everything.  Ecclesiastes 11:5. 

Stay tuned for the Spirit’s direction.  Let’s pray it gets windy!