Army of Angels Appears in the Sky

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While praying about how to write the post on Archangel Michael, I was led to a video about the Lord’s intervention in Israel’s Yom Kippur war circa 1973. 

The video starts out with a stunning statement “What happened in Israel shocked scientists and spectators as an army of angels appeared in the sky.”  It recounts the numerous times in scripture where the Lord God has intervened on Israel’s behalf militarily. 

“These instances where God intervenes demonstrating His presence, and coming to the aide of His people, among these events, particularly stands out an event during the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.  It is a story of a battle, not only on physical battlegrounds, but also in the spiritual realm.  There has been no better illustration in modern history of divine support for Israel than in the Yom Kippur war of 1973 when angels appeared in the sky, granting victory to Israel.”

“There are several biblical accounts of angels helping the children of God out of trouble, one angel is known to have appeared in several critical moments.  Archangel Michael sent by God Himself, the powerful and revered figure of divine protection has a rich history woven through various religious and spiritual traditions for his role as the protector of Israel.”

“He is regarded as a powerful ally and intercessor watching over and supporting them on their spiritual journey during times of adversity.  Israel’s religious and spiritual records, further contain prophecies about Michael’s involvement. These prophecies, highlight his role in overcoming evil, establishing justice, and protecting the faithful during challenging times.  It is believed that when turmoil and spiritual warfare intensify, Michael will intervene. “

“Yom Kippur war of 1973 was a critical moment in the history of Israel, filled with urgency and significance. The odds were stacked against them, and the future looked bleak, but then a remarkable turn of events would alter the course of the sudden war.  It was a shocking event, witnessed by soldiers and civilians alike. The heavens responded and a tale emerged from the battlefield recounting a sudden change in weather that defied explanation as the Israeli forces teetered on the brink of being overrun.  A dense fog settled on the battleground and disoriented the advancing enemy, while providing a critical advantage for the Israeli troops.” 

“Israeli armored vehicles saw a celestial vision which appeared before their very eyes.  Believers identified these beings as angels, while others claim, it was only a figment of the imagination, but there was no denying its profound impact on the Arab forces.  Reports began to pour in recounting the miraculous encounter.  The appearance of the supernatural presence instilled a hesitation within the Arab forces, uncertainty and fear crept into their hearts as they beheld the inexplicable site unfolding before them.  They were gripped by fear, paralyzed by the unknown in the face of the strange unexplainable occurrences, the Arab forces retreated.”

“In a place called the Valley of Tears on the Golan Heights, less than 100 Centurion tanks were up against 500 Syrian tanks. By the fourth day, Israel had three tanks left standing against 150 enemy tanks.  Suddenly the Syrian forces inexplicably turned around and headed back to Syria.  The “why” was a mystery until the Mossad interrogated the commander of Syria’s 9th Army Division.

When asked why he didn’t take out those last three tanks, he told the Mossad interrogator, “I would like to see you try and cross the Syrian missile lines while you see a whole host of white angels standing right on the missile lines and a white hand from heaven telling you to stop right there and move no further.  Needless to say, I stopped right there and then,” said the commander.” MIracles of the Yom Kippur War - Sid Roth

“The sudden and unexpected celestial intervention became the turning point in the conflict.  The intervention of angels and of God Himself who aligns Himself with the cause of Israel, underscores the magnitude of the struggle faced by the Israeli people.”

If you have a chance to watch the 18-minute video, I encourage you to do so.  While Israel is once again embroiled in a satanic attempt to annihilate them, we will see how the Lord and His heavenly host will intervene. Army Of Angels APPEARS In The Sky And GRANTS Victory to ISRAEL! (

To my surprise as I watched the video, white horses showed up three times!