Another Flat Tire?
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We have talked about having clean hands before the Lord to intercede for others, and we have also discussed how the enemy can be among us during the job of intercession. The following story is a true account of the enemy fighting against me during a prayer assignment.
The only way I knew what was going on after repeated attempts of the same scenario, was a word of knowledge from the Lord to reveal the enemy had targeted me. Here is the story.
At the start of the prayer job, flat tires started happening to my car. I didn’t think much about it until the flat tires started adding up. At its height, I received 15 flat tires in one year! I wasn’t driving through construction sites, either. This phenomena of me getting flat tires occurred over a two-year period.
The most serious episode was when I had received a flat tire in the fast lane of a freeway. I knew I had to do something. Before the Lord revealed the enemy’s hand, I was desperate to be rid of the flat tire scenario. I thought it was the rim of my car causing the flat tires, so I bought a new car. But the flat tires continued with the new car, and I knew a curse was a foot. Then, the Lord revealed that the enemy was trying to kill me.
The Lord made it very clear what I was to do to defeat the plot against me. Every morning, as I got in my car I was to pray against the plans of the enemy on my car. I was to take authority over the enemy and spoke ‘no weapon or flat tire planned against me shall prosper’. Once I started praying over my car, the flat tires stopped. I maintained this vigil of prayer over my car, but that didn’t stop the enemy. He had something else in mind for me, again the Lord warned me.
I received further instruction on how to proceed in prayer and what the plan of the enemy was concerning me.
“You are now being called forth to meet it head on (the spirit), its power has been diminished, yet the final blow is yet to come. And as you confront the spirit, I will protect you and give My angels care over you, for it is greatly weakened. For it will try some deadly maneuvers before it is cast out; I will warn you ahead of time. Be careful who you receive prayer from and do not let some lay hands on you too quickly - it will try to impart itself to you. Hence, walk ever so closely by My side and pray over everything.”
In confirmation of the enemy’s plans against me, a lady from the prayer ministry whom I knew had some demonic influence in her life called three times that week telling me she was praying for me. The Lord warned me not to attend a certain prayer meeting, as this lady would try to lay hands on me. And God confirmed the warning via the Unmasking the Jezebel Spirit book, page 38: “Some individuals with the Jezebel Spirit form soul ties by praying and by laying hands on a prophetic leader, hoping to impart the seed of its spirit. Such people may not know they are imparting a demonic touch…they feel compelled to pray for others, but this urge is not from God.”
Do not lay hands on anyone hastily, nor share in other people’s sins; keep yourself pure. 1 Timothy 5:22.
One who turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination. Proverbs 28:9.
We say we want to walk like the apostles and prophets as examples, but do we really know what they sacrificed in their lives? There aren’t many Christians today that will sacrifice their lives for the gospel and for Gods purposes. Would you risk your life for Him? Our utmost for His highest. Let’s step out of our comfort zones to the place of the unknown where Jesus dwells. He did for us!
Colossians 4:2 Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.