An Example of Intercession using the Gifts of Wisdom, Knowledge, Prophecy & Discerning of Spirits
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That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him… Ephesians 1:17.
I am hesitant to use the prayer assignment for my former church as an example of intercession. However, God did walk me through it, He initiated it and He gave it to me as a testimony to use as an example for intercession. So, it would be remiss of me to throw the experience into the dust pile of history when there clearly are tributes of the assignment that we can learn from. Finish the Job ~ My Old Church.
In this example, the word of wisdom revealed God‘heart and instructions with scripture addresses. The word of knowledge then interpreted the scriptures He gave and applied them with the discerning of spirits. The Lord identified the enemy, including other spirits and attitudes involved during the course of the assignment.
Finally, the gift of prophecy was used forthtelling what was happening, as well as foretelling God’s judgment into the future. It was an all-encompassing endeavor over a ten-year period.
Here is the beginning account: I attended Saturday night church on December 13, 2003. After the service the head pastor approached me. He knew I heard God’s voice in prayer as he had received letters and the Lord’s words from me before. This night would be different as the head pastor requested specific prayer for his wife and the women’s ministry. He told me that his wife couldn’t do it all; too much conflict of personalities; no harmony for the last three years, which had been rough. He asked if I might get any letters or words or scripture…anything that would help. I accepted the call, though I never attended any functions or knew women involved in the women’s ministry. I instinctively felt uneasy, a check in my spirit that it was not a ministry I wanted to be a part of; I was ignorant of any demonic presence.
Going to the Lord in prayer, within two days of me asking God what was happening, the Lord spoke and gave a scripture address. The Word of Wisdom*: Nehemiah 4:10 The strength of the laborers is failing and there is so much rubbish that we are not able to build the wall. And our adversaries said ‘they will neither know nor see anything till we come into their midst and kill them and cause the work to cease.
From my prayer journal:
“This is a picture of the women’s ministry. You have asked Me to show you what is transpiring, and this is a picture of the turmoil. Oh, how I have longed to see the workers work in harmony, but there are many voices that have crept in to deceive, taunt, and divide this timely ministry.
My child, your pastor is divided between this. He knows of the turmoil (as he shared his concern with you the other night) and yet there is a deeper darker underlying spirit involved. It is the spirit of jezebel (Discerning of Spirits*).
The enemy has and is using his wiles on the women of the church, what does it say in Nehemiah 4:17 to do?” (Word of Knowledge*: a ‘knowing’ beyond our natural abilities). It reveals a meaning that would otherwise be hidden to us. “Fight with swords (the word of God) and spears (prayers) as you do the work. They have been left unguarded and yet, they are not without a Fighter, a Warrior of their souls, it is I Christ Jesus, Maker of heaven and earth.
I will show you how to pray, how to intercede, and as you do, take notes and share these with your pastor. He will see the need; he will see the mighty hand of the Lord at work through prayer, healing prayer.
I let it (the women’s ministry) sink into a state of disrepair so I can bring glory from ashes. They have not looked at this as My work, but their own! Let the ministry ground lay fallow for a time.”
Prophecy*: “Prepare for war, a holy war, a war in the Spirit of great proportions. Yet all My enemies shall flee before Me as I cut to the quick with the sword of My mouth. Prepare in the Spirit; pray for discernment. Your first Goliath is jezebel. I will show you how to prepare and how to invade. My game plan, the battle plan is already drawn up. Start sharpening your sword.”
Isaiah 32:9-10 “Rise up, you women who are at ease, hear My voice; you complacent daughters, give ear to My speech. In a year and some days, you will be troubled, you complacent women; for the vintage will fail, the gathering will not come.”
Psalm 125:3 “For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest on the land allotted to the righteous, lest the righteous reach out their hands to iniquity.” (This was the promise verse I was to pray for deliverance).
From this example, we can see the following gifts mixed and used as an introduction to a prayer assignment. The word of wisdom (the verses given and application of those), the word of knowledge (revealing the situation with scripture and explanation); discerning of spirits (identifying the name of it) and prophecy (forthtelling of the spiritual problem) are all rolled up into the Lord’s introduction of this mission.
“Prophetic persons do not simply pronounce the word of the Lord only; they pray the promise back to Him! In so doing they actually give birth to it and bring it into being. Prophetic intercession, therefore, paves the way for the fulfillment of the prophetic promise.
Prophetic intercession is our conspiring together with God, “breathing violently” into situations through prayer to bring forth life.” James Goll: The Art of Prophetic Intercession.
* Revelation Gifts ~ Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge, Discerning of Spirits and Utterance Gifts ~ Prophecy.