A Prophecy Fulfilled – A Great Gathering (10/24)
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As I got into bed, the night of the A Million Women – An Esther Call on the Mall 10/12/24, I heard the Lord speak. He reminded me of a dream I had in 2016 called Preparation for a Great Gathering. He told me that that dream was fulfilled in the event that just took place.
“I have declared the former things from the beginning; They went forth from My mouth, and I caused them to hear it. Suddenly I did them, and they came to pass.” Isaiah 48:3.
1/4/16 Preparation for a Great Gathering: I was going to a gathering of people with a common cause, mainly women; the people had come from all over the world. I entered into the building by way of a screened window, and I knew how to enter in easily that way. Once inside the venue, I observed the people interacting with one another as if they knew each other.
Next, I was at the location or gathering place for the event, a school. The school was being transformed for the event They needed to figure out the seating; food was involved, as well as a stage. I kept looking for a place to sit.
As I left the location, I traveled down a road that was lined with ‘air conditioning’ repair trucks all numbered from 1 to 70 in numeric order. The trucks were headed to the occasion to prepare it. Upon waking I heard, “Preparation for a great gathering.” Then scripture addresses:
Malachi 3:1 “Behold I send My messenger and he will prepare the way before Me. And the Lord whom you seek, will suddenly come to His temple even the Messenger of the covenant in whom you take delight. Behold He is coming says the Lord of hosts.”
Psalm 50:5 “Gather My saints together to Me, those who have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice.”
How do I know it was fulfilled? Because, He said I entered through a window in the dream, which is prophecy for a future event (10/12/24) and through a screen which was my computer screen! In the former dream, the gathering was a future happening, which was evident by the planning of the event. I was an observer to the future event that was just fulfilled.
I wondered where I would sit, the seat was a big issue. Isn’t it interesting that my seat has been bothering me for the last week and I’m always looking for a comfortable seat.
The people knew each other though they came from all over the world, indicating they had something in common. What was the commonality? I believe they had been selected to ‘prepare the way of the Lord’ (preparing for the event) from all nationalities, tribes and tongues; and they were all one in purpose for Christ Jesus.
The school was being transformed, meaning it was the end to learning (perhaps the end of this church-age) and it was a time for a great assembly. The long line of air conditioning trucks headed towards the coming gathering signified the different ministries that were brought together to help with the assembly. They were on their way when I had the dream.
Also, the air conditioning repair trucks included numbering. Let’s first look at the numbers: 1 through 70 and they were titled “Job 1” through “Job 70” on the outside of each truck, lined up in order on their way to the event to ‘prepare it.’ The number 1 means beginning and 70 means “completely accepted” (or “completely rejected,” as the case may be).” Milligan, Ira L., The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Dreams You Dream.
“Seventy: God’s administration; insight; restoration; impartation of God’s Spirit; increase; negatively it can mean exile, punishment or captivity by an enemy.” Volkots, John Mark. A to Z CHRISTIAN DREAM SYMBOL DICTIONARY.
As for ‘air conditioning,’ that term is symbolic for spiritual conditioning. Combined with repair, a repairman is indicative of Christ, His prophets, or pastors that aide in adjusting of theology, attitude, or spirit.
So, I see this line of trucks as progressive (over time as indicative of 1 through 70). I think the 10/12/24 meeting kicked off preparation of the body of Christ for the great gathering event. In other words, being emblematic for the conditioning of His church over time (the church era) until it reaches ‘70’ or completion and acceptance.
During the live event, the coordinator, Lou Engles quoted Malachi 3:1 about prepare the way of the Lord and that’s exactly the scripture that came from the dream! My earnest prayer is that I would be a volunteer for Jesus in the day of His great power and the end-time future gathering according to: Psalm 110:3 “Your people shall be volunteers in the day of Your power.” Amen. Jonathan Cahn Smashes The Altar Of Ishtar On The National Mall