A Company of Angels
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I hadn’t given a whole lot of thought to angels until recently, because I have had two dreams which brought them to the forefront. I believe the Lord is wanting us to understand more about this subject. The following dream is what led to this series on angels.
After reading a story on an angel encounter by Kenneth Hagin, I was intrigued. Basically, in the story, Mr. Hagan had a vision of Jesus and an angel. What I found fascinating about the story was that he was told there were multiple angels that were assigned to him. Not just one angel like we hear about when we are born aka a guardian angel.
“Jesus said, “That’s your angel.” “My angel!” I said. “Yes, don’t you know, it is written in My Word where I said to My disciples, ‘. . . Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven’ [Matt. 19:14]. Then in another place I said, ‘For their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven’ [Matt. 18:10]. “You don’t lose your angel just because you grow up,” Jesus said. “He has a message for you,” the Lord said. “Well, think about it. Why would you lose your angel just because you grow up?”
“In teaching me about angels, the Lord pointed out the Scripture, “Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” (Heb. 1:14). I always had thought this verse said, “. . . minister to them who shall be heirs of salvation.” But the Word says, “minister for them…” The word “minister” used here carries the thought of to wait on or to serve. The Lord said to me, “Angels are ministering spirits who are sent to minister, not just to one, but for all who are heirs of salvation. The angel then spoke: He said, “I am over a number of angels, and I’ve got them working now.” Hagin, Kenneth E., I Believe In Visions.
I headed for a nap after I read the angel account and as I walked down the hallway, I asked the Lord was this true and if so, how many angels do I have? Just a whimsical question I threw up to the Lord, not expecting an answer. My answer came in the form of this dream.
In the dream, I was standing in front of a building of sorts that seemed to be suspended in the air. I knew it to be like a corporation aka a company who had a Boss. I kept calling it a ‘company’ in the dream. I was inquisitive about it.
I found myself with three people from the ‘company’, and we were sitting at a table. On my left was a man, my right was a blonde-haired lady and sitting across from me was a brown-haired female. They were talking to me about their work. I don’t recall exactly what they said, except how they helped a girl who had recently died.
As we talked, I put my left hand on the table and the man to my left rested his hand over mine in a very loving way. I was taken back and wondered why this man was covering my hand and I pulled it back. I stuck my hand out again on the table and he did it again. This time, I noticed how soft and light his hand felt covering mine…like a warm feather. I felt so comforted that I took my right hand and laid it on top of his right hand which covered my left hand!
The three ‘company’ employees seemed to be very interested in me. The blonde to my right asked me a question about how I did something on the computer and I mentioned that I learned to do it when I was writing my book. Since she asked me a question, I sensed I could ask her about the ‘company’. So, I inquired how many traveled with the Boss who they were employed by. She answered and they told me there were 150. I woke up and prayed for scripture.
Therefore, we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2.
Of this salvation the prophets have inquired and searched carefully, who prophesied of the grace that would come to you, searching what, or what manner of time, the Spirit of Christ who was in them was indicating when He testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow. To them it was revealed that, not to themselves, but to us they were ministering the things which now have been reported to you through those who have preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven—things which angels desire to look into. 1 Peter 1:10-12.
Did God just answer the question I asked as I walked down my hallway headed for a nap? I believe He most certainly did! I found this explanation of angel hierarchy most interesting. “The angels of the first sphere could be likened to the executive management of a ‘corporation’—they are responsible for directly interpreting the will of the CEO—God.” The Spheres of the Christian Angelic Hierarchy - Beliefnet.
Then, I looked up how many people are in an army company (representing God’s Angelic Host or army). To my surprise: “A company is a military unit, typically consisting of 100–250 soldiers and usually commanded by a major or a captain.”
It seems to me that I was in the presence of my angels who work for a ‘company’ of angels (150) headed by a Boss, either a higher-level angel or Jesus, Himself. I recall a dream from My Sisyer’s Walk with God (pg. 164) with a similar scenario of a corporation. “l landed in a compound where there were two women walking around with corporate blazers on. I got a close up of the blazers. The women were guarding the compound.” I think these could be the same angels I saw at the table.
As for the gender of the angels, I believe the Lord allows certain male or female characteristics to be in the forefront of the angels’ presence to keep us from being afraid of them. For instance, I tend to be more comfortable and safer in the presence of a female stranger than a male (for obvious reasons). As such, they can take on the appearance of mankind to better communicate with us.
Anyway, what did this dream teach about angels?
- We don’t lose our guardians as we age.
- The angels I met instructed me about their work (the dying girl they helped).
- They brought me comfort through the male who had his hand covering mine.
- They are curious about us as we are curious about them. Remember, the blond angel asked me a question. I’ve heard it said, angels have head knowledge of salvation but no experience…so they ‘wonder’ about our faith and the experience of working out our salvation.
- We see how an angel can bring us an answer to a question we ask the Lord. “I asked how many traveled with the Boss who they were employed by. She answered and told me there were 150.”
All of the above encounters with the heavenly messengers are biblical: their presence throughout our lives; instruction, comfort, guidance and answered prayer. I will look into the job of angels in more detail in another segment of this series.
For now, believe you, too, are in the company of angels though you may not be aware of them. Pray the Lord opens your spiritual eyes to behold His handiwork.