A Blossoming Calling

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There are many voices that will try to speak into our lives.  Society, the media, acquaintances, friends, family, the enemy and of course, the Lord.  But few are the voices we should allow to move us.  It is a given that we listen to our Father, His Son and His Spirit. 

The one voice that I recognize as speaking truth and God’ plan for my life is my baby sister, Wendy.  This red-haired wonder has guided me like the Spirit’s voice behind me since 2015.  I admit Wendy and I were not as close as we are now for many years.  But after the passing of our parents, we both made more of an attempt to stay closer.

It began in 2015 when out for a walk with Wendy, I told her of the arduous prayer assignment (I had just completed) in more detail.  Along with my history of hearing the Lord’ voice, she suggested I write a book.  I listened but thought, “No Way”! 

After my diagnosis with ALS in 2016, I believe Wendy ramped up her prayers for me.  Fearing the worst from this deadly sentence, she (along with family and friends) pleaded my case before His Throne.  God answered Wendy powerfully in the form of a dream which predicted the recission of the diagnosis a month before the doctors pronounced it.  The story is recounted in A Message to My Beautiful Sister located in the Archives.

A Message to My Beautiful Sister – Believe Miracles Are for Today (believemiraclesr42day.com)

I completed the book she asked me to write in 2019.  Not knowing it was God’s will, I thought I was just writing a memoir for her and my other sisters.  I was going to take the 400 plus page document to Kinkos to photocopy for them when one evening I saw an ad on television for Covenant Books.  I contacted them and the book was accepted for publication.  During the year-long process, Wendy spoke again.

She suggested I write a second book!  I poo-pooed the idea as I had nothing more to say, at least, I thought I didn’t.  Then, God confirmed the idea, giving me the title before anything else.  Believe Miracles Are for Today, based upon a word from the Lord in my journal in 2009.   I believed the book would be a fulfillment of His prophecies and promises that I recorded in My Sister’s Walk with God.

The first book was released in Spring 2020; with the second book being completed in late Fall 2020.  I had no intention of publishing the second book, I didn’t know what to do with it.  Then, Wendy dreamed.  In December 2020, Wendy dreamed she was told by an angel that I was nine months pregnant! Her dream was prophesying of what was to come, me giving birth to God’s website.

Two months later, I received an email from my publisher to start a website to promote my first book. I thought I could use the site to post the second book free to readers and post the Lord’s fulfillment of His prophecies and promises.  Why am I telling you all of this?  Because it is important to listen to the burgeoning voice of a budding prophet.

I will add here that baby sister has had at least seven dreams of me physically restored since 2015.  After her given dream which foretold of the ALS reversal, she received Acts 4:10 "Then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed. Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.”  This verse has been my promise since my weakness started in 2014.  Yet, she had no knowledge of that fact.

The blossoming calling on Wendy was confirmed in a recent dream I had.  In the dream, I interpreted a prophetic dream that she had had.  I saw that the dream’s contents helped people do something and/or find others.  In addition, I saw large groups of people going to the place she saw in her dream.  People of all kinds; even people in wheelchairs going to this place she had prophesied about.

The final scene had me meet her at a parking lot where when she arrived, I was to tell her the dream’s interpretation and the resulting groups of people affected.  In other words, confirming her calling.

As I said at the beginning of this post, there are many voices that will try to speak into our lives, but when you recognize a true voice from heaven speaking through a person, listen!  Take heed and then, action.  Besides being a voice in the wilderness for me and a divining rod to God’s will, this dream has shown me that Wendy (once her calling has matured) will be a force for the Lord to be reckoned with!

Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord. (Luke 1:45).

See, I have told you beforehand. (Matthew 24:25).